Vendor Groups Exported to ePO

If you plan to export vendor groups to ePO, you must set up groups that allow your export file to include a group type, group code, and group class. The set up occurs on the vendor Groups Tab. Planning is the key to a seamless export.

ClosedSetting Up Groups for Group Type and Group Code

Add the vendors that are to be included in groups. Organize your vendors into logical groups for export, that is, group vendors with the same group type under a letter, and then classify vendors by group code. For example, add group names that are based on the regions the vendors serve: RNORTH, RSOUTH, REAST, and RWEST. Add vendors to the appropriate groups each of which reflects the same group type but different group codes.

When you export the RNORTH vendors, R—the first character—is passed to ePO as the group type and NORTH—the next five characters—is passed to ePO as the group code.

ClosedSetting Up Groups for Group Class

Add the vendors that are to be included in groups. Organize your vendors into logical groups for export, that is group vendors with the same group class under one group. For example, add group names that are based on the profession associated with the group: ELECTRICIANS, CARPENTERS, HVAC, and PLUMBERS.

When you export the ELECTRICIANS, ELECT—the first five characters—is passed to ePO as the group class.

See Also

Groups Overview