Global Policies Setup - PO Tab

Make the following selections to display this tab:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—PO tab

Use this tab to set up and manage purchase order-related global policies.


Enable purchase order processing

Checked (default) the system allows purchase order processing. The purchasing -related tabs appears on the menu and the system enables this functionality.

Unchecked, the system does not allow purchase order processing. The purchasing -related tabs still appear on the menus; however, if you select menu items, a message advising you that purchase order processing is disabled displays. In addition, if you select the Add PO button on the General tab for Vendors, the same access-denied message displays.

NOTE that to remove the purchasing-related tabs from the menu, go to the System module and then for roles, groups, or users, remove permissions for purchasing. For more information on how to edit permissions, refer to the System Help.

Enable Email

Checked (default) - Accept this default if you want the system to send an email to the person responsible for authorizing purchase orders when the amount of the purchase order is over spending or budget limits. You must complete the remainder of the email notification setup for individual users on the user policies PO Tab. On that tab, you select the user who is authorized to approve. When a purchase order exceeds the user's spending or budget limit, the system automatically sends an email to the authorized approver.

Unchecked - Remove the check mark if you do not want the system to send an email.

Rollover open PO to new Period

Unchecked (default) - Accept this default if you do not want purchase orders to roll over into a new account period as part of the period close process. When you run period close, the system leaves the period for all open purchase orders as they are; that is, as originally entered. If a period must be changed, a user must open the purchase order and make the change.

Checked - Check the option if you want open purchase orders to roll over into a new accounting period as part of the period close process. When you period end, the system changes the accounting period for the expense allocation to the new period for all purchase orders, including purchase orders that are partially invoiced. The date in the Date field on the Purchase Order General Tab remains the same. However, the system updates the accounting date in the Acct. Date field on the Purchase Orders tab. The system changes the date to the beginning date for the new period.

One Allocation per PO line

Unchecked (default), the system allows one allocation to many purchase order lines for Purchase Order entry.

Checked, the system shows a single allocation per purchase order line for Purchase Order entry. Note that the "Receive via invoice entry" policy is dependent on this Policy being enabled. To facilitate receiving and matching during Invoice Entry, the purchase order detail line allocations are tied to one or more allocation lines.

NOTE: Refer to the topic, Effect of Global Policies on Purchase Orders, for information about how the global policy One Allocation per PO Line affects whether fields for Warehouse Items appear in the tab.

Also, when the policy is turned off, then fields for UOM, Qty, and Unit Cost appear in the top of the screen under PO Order Lines, rather than in the bottom of the screen under Allocation Lines, as documented here.

Allow POs despite effective/expiration date issues with required documents

Unchecked (default), users cannot add a purchase order for a vendor that has issues with the effective date or expiration date for required documents on the vendor. Required documents need to be set up with Has Effective Date or Has Expiration Date checked for the dates to be checked against the login date

Checked, users receive warning messages when the vendor has a required document with effective date or expiration date issues.

Refer to Required Document Types for additional information.

Allow quantity received to exceed quantity ordered

Unchecked (default), the quantity received for a purchase order is not allowed to exceed quantity ordered.

Checked, the quantity received for a purchase order is allowed to exceed the quantity ordered.

This policy is for the Inventory module and appears only for users with an Inventory module license.

Allow override of inventory unit cost when receiving

Unchecked (default), the system allows the user to override the inventory unit cost when receiving a purchase order.

Checked, the system does not allow the user to override the inventory unit cost when receiving a purchase order.

This policy is for the Inventory module and appears only for users with an Inventory module license.

Require authorization when over budget

Options are:

Select this option to require no authorization when the purchase order amount is over budget.

Select this option to require authorization when the purchase order amount exceeds the month-to-date budget amount.

YTD (default)
Accept this default to require authorization when the purchase order amount exceeds the year-to-date budget amount.

Select this option to require authorization when the purchase order amount exceeds the month-to-date or year-to-date budget amount.

Default value for allocation line description

From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:


Select this option if you do not want the system to insert a value in the Description field for the allocation line item during PO entry. A description must be entered manually.

Expense Code description

Select this option to have the system automatically populate the Description field for each allocation line item with the associated expense code description during PO Entry.

Line Item Description

Select this option to have the system automatically populate the Description field for each allocation line item with the PO Description during PO Entry.

Prior line description

Select this option to have the system automatically populate the Description field for each allocation line item with the description from the previous allocation line item.


Click to leave the tab without saving changes.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Effect of Purchase Order Policies

Purchasing Overview

Purchase Order Entry

Global Policies Introduction

Setup Questions Purchase Orders