Help Navigation

Because this Help system is filled with links, getting lost after clicking several links is a distinct possibility. If the Back button is not displaying, you have a couple of options.

ClosedTo Use the Menu Back Button

  1. Right-click on the topic. A pop-up menu displays.
  2. Click Back. The previous Help page displays.
  3. Repeat these steps until you return to the page you want.


ClosedTo Return to Your Starting Point

  1. Close the Help file. The application tab you are working on is active again.
  2. Click Help in the title bar. The Help page you started with displays again.

ClosedTo Use the Table of Contents

  1. If the table of contents is not displaying, click the Show link that appears in the upper left corner of Help pages. The table of contents displays in the left pane of the Help file, and in the table highlights the page you have displaying.
  2. Navigate the table of contents. Click books until pages display.
  3. Click a page to display a topic in the pane to the right of the table of contents.


In the table of contents, the book eFinancials User Guide is set up so that it mirrors menu selections in the application. This allows you to easily navigate the table of contents tree.

ClosedTo Use Navigation Links

Each page in this Help file includes navigation links as the final element on the page. The navigation links are based on the table of contents. For a topic that may have several pages of help, the navigation links allow you to move forward from tab to tab in the Help file. When you select the final link on any page, the Help file returns to the main page for the topic. You can select links to move forward and backward through pages.

See Also

Using Help