Add/Edit Series Tab - Inventory

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

Inventory—Setup—Reports—Series of Reports—(Add/Edit)

This tab displays when you click Add Series or click a series ID link on the Setup Series tab. Use this tab to add or edit a series of reports.



A red dot  indicates a required field or selection.


Series ID

Enter an identification for the series. This identification appears on lists.


Enter a description for the series. This description appears on lists.

Reports Grid

The reports displaying in the grid have been selected for this series. The grid is empty when you are adding a new series.

Add Report

Click the button and select a report from the pop-up that opens. After making a selection, click the Done button. The Report is added to the grid and the report receives an Order number. As you add reports to the grid, they are numbered consecutively.

Refer to Procedures for replacing one report with another to change the order of the reports in the series.


After you have several reports in the grid, click the column title to reverse the order in the list.


The name of the report.


Click the icon to open a pop-up that contains prompts for the specific report. Refer to the Reports Introduction for links to instructions for each of the reports.


Click delete to delete a report from the series. Note that you are not deleting the series of reports.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Setup Series of Reports

Series of Reports Associated Pages