Recurring Purchase Orders Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Recurring Items—Recurring POs orePO—Recurring Items—Recurring POs

Use this tab to manage recurring purchase orders.


The following fields and buttons appear on the tab that displays when you select the menu option.


Current PropertyCompany

The PropertyCompany you currently have selected. Select another PropertyCompany from the drop-down list. The recurring purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid below.

Add PO

Use this button to add a recurring purchase order.

Find [Column Title]

This field defaults to PO#; however, if you click any underlined grid column title, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for entries based on the field label. For example, if you know the status of the PO, click the Status column title and the find field label changes to Find Status.

Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for (or select from a drop-down list if one displays), and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.

Go Button

Use the Page field and the Go Button to display additional pages when the list of entries in the grid is longer than one page.


PO #

The recurring purchase order number that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field. Click the number link to display tabs.

Start Date

The date the recurring purchase order starts. When you create purchase orders using a monthly frequency, the month in the date increments based on the original start date. This date appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

Vendor ID

The vendor identification that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

Short Name

The short name of the vendor that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


The status of the recurring purchase order. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


The total amount of the recurring purchase order. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.


Use the Void icon to void a recurring purchase order.

 Use the Delete icon to delete a recurring purchase order. This icon displays only after a recurring purchase order has been voided.

ClosedTo Add a Recurring Purchase Order


You can use Check Budget to determine the effect that the recurring purchase order you are adding will have on your budget.

  1. From the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list, select a PropertyCompany. The recurring purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  2. Click Add PO. The Select Vendor Tab displays.
  3. Select (or add) a vendor. The recurring purchase order tabs display.
  4. Use the following field lists to complete tabs: General Tab, Line Items Tab, Allocations Tab, Schedule Tab.
  5. Click Save. The Recurring Purchase Orders tab displays again.

ClosedTo Edit a Recurring Purchase Order

  1. From the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list, select a PropertyCompany. The recurring purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  2. Click the PO # for the recurring purchase order you want to edit. The recurring purchase order tabs display.
  3. Use the following field lists to edit tabs: General Tab, Line Items Tab, Allocations Tab, Schedule Tab.  
  4. Click Save. The Recurring Purchase Orders tab displays again.

ClosedTo Void a Recurring Purchase Order

  1. From the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list, select a PropertyCompany. The recurring purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  2. Click the Void iconfor the recurring purchase order you want to void. On the Recurring Purchase Orders tab, the recurring purchase order status updates to "Void" and a Delete icon replaces the Void icon.

ClosedTo Delete a Detail Line Item

  1. From the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list, select a PropertyCompany. The recurring purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  2. Click the PO # column for the recurring purchase order  from which you want to delete a line item detail. The recurring purchase order tabs display.
  3. Select the Line Items tab.
  4. Click the Delete icon for the line item detail you want to delete. The line item detail is deleted immediately.
  5. Click Save. The Recurring Purchase Orders Tab displays.

ClosedTo Delete a Recurring Purchase Order


The Delete icon displays only for recurring purchase orders that have already been voided.

  1. From the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list, select a PropertyCompany. The recurring purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  2. Click the Delete icon for the recurring purchase order you want to delete. The recurring purchase order tabs displays.
  3. Click Confirm Delete. The Recurring Purchase Order tab displays again.

See Also

Select Vendor Tab

General Tab

Line Items Tab

Allocations Tab

Schedule Tab