GL Account Merge Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—GL Account Merge

This tab allows GL accounts to be merged from one account into another. The budgets for the from GL Account are not copied; they are deleted, and the merge only affects GL accounts for the currently selected entitycompany.


From GL Account

The GL Account to be merged into another GL Account.

Into GL Account

The GL Account that the From GL Account is being merged into.


Click the Lookup icon to display the Select GL Account Tab.

Merge Expense Code

Select this option to merge the expense codes with the same From and Into values. This option displays only when the option Maintain Expense Codes with GL Chart of Accounts on the Other tab is selected.


Click to close the form without processing.


Click to run the merge process. A message box displays to confirm the processing request.

ClosedTo Merge GL Accounts

  1. In the From GL Account entry field, type or Lookup the GL Account that is to be merged with the Into GL Account.
  2. In the Into GL Account entry field, type or Lookup the GL Account ID that the From GL Account data will be merged into.
  3. Click Process. The data is merged.

See Also

Policies and Setup Guide

Setup Introduction