GL: Cash Flow Statement Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—GL Reports—Cash Flow Statement

Use this tab to print a general ledger cash flow statement.

ClosedReport Description

Cash Flow Statement

This report runs for the entitiescompanies you select on the Select Entities TabSelect Companies Tab. After you enter a fiscal year and period, you can elect to run a month-to-date or year-to-date report that includes or excludes unapproved transactions. The report displays in one of the two standard formats: PDF or Spreadsheet. When the report displays, it has three sections.

Sources and Uses of Funds

In this section of the report, the sources and uses of funds are affected by the Cash Flow Code you select for an account on the Account Maintenance Tab. The following codes are possible: (Not Set), Cash, Profit, Source of Funds, Other. The Cash Flow Code for all income and expense account types must be set as Profit.  


Items appearing in the Sources column result from any of the following transactions:

An accounts payable credit (increase): This transaction is a source because the entitycompany has received goods or services, but has not paid for them. The entitycompany still holds the cash.

An accounts receivable credit (decrease): This transaction is a source because the entitycompany has provided goods and services, and has received payment for them. The entitycompany holds the cash.


Items appearing in the Uses column result from any of the following transactions:

An accounts payable debit (decrease): This transaction is a use because the entity has received goods or services and has paid for them. The entitycompany has disbursed the cash.

An accounts receivable debit (increase): This transaction is a use because the entity has provided goods or services, but has not received payment for them. The entitycompany is missing the cash.


Items appearing in the Other column result from any other transaction that you set up with a cash flow code of Other.

Recap of Cash Flow

This section of the report recaps cash flow to arrive at an Ending Cash balance. The system takes the Beginning Cash balance, adds Sources of Funds, subtracts Uses of Funds and Changes to Other Balance Sheet Accounts, and arrives at a net increase or decrease in cash.

The system then looks at reconciling items. The Reconciling Items field on the report is a calculated field. For it to be included in the report, all accounts must have the Cash Flow Code set. Reconciling Items is a calculated field to make the Section II, Recap of Cash Flow, balance to Section III, Cash Account.

Cash Account

In this section, the system looks at the current cash balance and provides a net change in cash for a specified month or year-to-date and the sum for Total Cash.

ClosedTo Print the Report

Note Note

Before generating this report, you must have set up the chart of accounts

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—GL Reports—Cash Flow Statement.
  2. Click Select EntitiesCompanies. Select the entitiescompanies for which you want to print the report and click Save.
  3. From the Fiscal Year field, type the year for the report (for example, 2008).
  4. From the Period field, type the period for the report (for example, 2).
  5. From the Type field, select the MTD radio button for Month To Date. Or, select the YTD radio button for Year To Date.
  6. To include unapproved transactions on the report, select the Include Unapproved Transactions check box.
  7. Select one of the following report printing options:
  8. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Cash Flow Statement Concepts and Processes

Reports Introduction