Setup Calendars Grid

Make the following selections from the eFinancials menu to display this grid:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Calendars

Use this grid to manage calendars.


Add Calendar

Click to add a calendar.

Find /Calendar

Enter a calendar name, and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. If a drop-down list displays, you can select from the list, and then click the Find button.


Use the Page field and the Go Button to display additional pages when the list of entries in the grid is longer than one page.


The IDs of existing accounting calendars. Click a Calendar ID to edit the calendar details. Click this column title to sort the list.


Click the Delete icon to delete a calendar.

Copy Click the Copy icon to make a copy of an existing calendar and save it with a new name.

ClosedTo Add a Calendar

  1. Click Add Calendar.
  2. From the Calendar tab, type a Calendar ID.
  3. Click Save.

ClosedTo Edit a Calendar

  1. Click the calendar ID for the calendar you want to edit.
  2. Edit the calendar ID.
  3. Click Save.

ClosedTo Delete a Calendar

  1. For the calendar you want to delete, click the Delete icon .
  2. Click Confirm Delete.

ClosedTo Copy a Calendar

  1. Find the calendar you want to copy in the grid and click the Copy icon Copy.
  2. In the Calendar ID field, type an ID for the new calendar.
  3. Click Save. The new calendar is added to the grid.


When you copy a calendar, the dates for the original calendar are also copied. For example: If Calendar 1 has fiscal years of 2007 and 2008, when Calendar 1 is copied to Calendar 2, then Calendar 2 also has fiscal years of 2007 and 2008. If you want to change the dates for the new calendar, you can edit them at Setup—Global Setup—Setup Fiscal Years.

See Also

Calendars Overview

Setup Introduction

ePO Introduction