Bank Reconciliation Grid

The Bank Reconciliation Grid appears when you make the following selections from the eFinancials menu:

General Ledger—End of Period—Bank Reconciliation

This tab enables you to add, edit, and view bank reconciliations for the selected bank account.

NOTE that Clear Checks can be used for organizations that do not perform Bank Reconciliationbut want to know if checks have cleared the bank.


Bank Account

From the drop-down list, select the bank account for the statement you want to reconcile. The list includes all bank accounts for the entitiescompanies you have access to.

Add Reconciliation

Click to create a new reconciliation to reconcile your general ledger cash account to a bank statement balance. This button appears only when no existing bank reconciliations are In Process.

Find [Column Title]

This field defaults to Find Reconcile Date. Click any column title to search for transactions based on that field (for example, click the Status column and the Find field changes to "Find Status"). When you enter search criteria and click Find, the grid is sorted based on your entry.

Reconcile Date

The date of the bank statement being reconciled. Click the date link to edit In Process statements or to view Reconciled statements.

Bank Balance

The current balance from the bank statement.  

GL Adj

The total amount of the adjustments to the general ledger cash account for the bank statement.

Bank Adj

The total amount of any bank adjustments that have been made to reconcile the bank statement. A bank adjustment does not affect the general ledger cash account.

Outstanding Checks

The total amount of checks that have been issued but are not included in the current statement.

Deposits in Transit

The total amount of deposits that have been made but not included in the current statement.


The system status of the bank reconciliation.

In Process

The reconciliation has not yet been run for this bank statement. The statement can still be edited.


The reconciliation process has been run for this bank statement. The statement can no longer be edited, but it can be reversed to In Process status (for more information, refer to Actions).


This column provides links to actions you can perform for a bank reconciliation:

This button is available for the most recently reconciled statement and only when no reconciliations are In Process for the bank account. Click to reverse a reconciled bank statement (for example, if it contains an error or needs additional adjustments). After running the Unreconcile process, the reconciliation status is changed to In Process so you can edit the details and run the reconciliation process again.

This button is available only for the bank reconciliation with a status of In Process. Click to delete the In Process bank reconciliation. This button appears only for users with security permissions to delete a bank reconciliation.   

ClosedTo Add a New Bank Reconciliation

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select General Ledger—End of Period—Bank Reconciliation.
  2. From the Bank Account drop-down list, select the bank account for the statement you want to reconcile.  

Note Note

The list includes all bank accounts for the entitiescompanies to which you have access.

  1. Click Add Reconciliation. The Bank Reconciliation Detail tab appears, enabling you to add reconciliation details.

ClosedTo Edit or View a Bank Reconciliation

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select General Ledger—End of Period—Bank Reconciliation.
  2. From the Bank Reconciliation grid, select the Reconcile Date link for the reconciliation you want to view. The Bank Reconciliation Detail tab appears, enabling you to view the reconciliation details.  
  3. If the status of the reconciliation is In Process, you can edit the details of the reconciliation.  

ClosedTo Unreconcile a Statement

Note Note

When no reconciliations are In Process for a bank account, you can reverse the most recently reconciled statement.

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select General Ledger—End of Period—Bank Reconciliation.
  2. From the Bank Accounts drop-down list, select the bank account for the reconciliation you want to reverse.  
  3. From the grid, select the Unreconcile button Unreconcile for the reconciliation you want to reverse. The status is changed to In Process.

ClosedTo Delete a Bank Reconciliation

Note Note

You can delete a bank reconciliation with a status of In Process. The Delete button appears only for users with security permissions to delete a bank reconciliation.   

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select General Ledger—End of Period—Bank Reconciliation.
  2. From the Bank Accounts drop-down list, select the bank account for the reconciliation you want to reverse.  
  3. From the grid, click the Delete button Deletefor the reconciliation you want to reverse.
  4. A message notifies you that Payments and Deposits will be unreconciled; Service Charges, Interest, GL Adjustments, and Bank Adjustments will be deleted; and the deleting bank reconciliation will affect account balances. Click OK.
  5. Click Confirm Delete.

See Also

Bank Reconciliation Detail

Adding Service Charges

Adding Interest

Adding Adjustments

Bank Reconciliation Overview

Clear Checks



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