GL: Adjusted Cash Balance Report

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—GL Reports—Adjusted Cash Balance

Use this tab to print a report showing current balances for selected Cash accounts, the amount of the untransferred cash receipts from eSite for those accounts, and the combined total of both. You can select to include unapproved eFinancials transactions. The report is run for a specified period, selected entitiescompanies, and specified Cash Group Codes.


When attempting to print the Adjusted Cash Balance report from a database set that does not have an eSite database, a message indicates that an eSite database was not found and to verify the eSite Web Service setup and/or that the eSite database is set up in the dataset.

ClosedSelection Criteria


An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

Select EntitiesCompanies

Click to select entitiescompanies from the Select EntitiesSelect Companies tab. The report runs for all selected entitiescompanies.

Fiscal Year

Type the fiscal year you want the report to use (for example, 2010).


Type the period you want the report to use (for example, 1).

Include Unapproved Transactions

If you want the report to account for unapproved eFinancials transactions, select this check box.

Select Cash Group Codes

To select Cash Group Codes for the report, click Select Cash Group Codes. From the tab that appears, select the check box for each Cash Group Code you want to include. Or, to select all Cash Group Codes, click Select All. Then, click Save. The selected codes appear in a list under the Select Cash Group Codes button.

Use the following features to view the selected Cash Group Codes in the list:

At any time, you can remove selected Cash Group Codes, as follows:


The option "Not Set" refers to accounts for which the Cash Group Code is "Not Set" on the GL Account Maintenance Tab. This is an option on the Cash Group Codes selection tab. Also, if you clear the Select Cash Group Codes list entirely, the report is run only for accounts for which the Cash Group Code is "Not Set."

ClosedReport Description

This report is sorted first by EntityCompany and then by Account Number.


The entitycompany ID and description.


The GL account number.


The text description of the account.

General Ledger Cash Balance

The current cash balance for the GL account for the selected propertiescompanies.

Cash Receipts Not Transferred

The total amount of cash receipts not transferred for the GL account. The source for this information is eSite.


For untransferred cash transactions to be included on the report, the eSite Web Service must be set up.  

Current Cash Available

The current cash available for the GL account.

EntityCompany Total

For each entitycompany, the report displays the total amounts for General Ledger Cash Balance, Cash Receipts Not Transferred, and Current Cash Available.

Grand Total

For all selected entitiescompanies, the report displays the grand total amounts for General Ledger Cash Balance, Cash Receipts Not Transferred, and Current Cash Available.

Reports Parameters

At the end of the report, the selected parameters for running the report are listed, including: the Fiscal Year, Period, Include Unapproved Transactions selection, and the selected Cash Group Codes.

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—GL Reports—Adjusted Cash Balance.
  2. Click Select EntitiesCompanies. Select the entitiescompanies for which you want to print the report and click Save.
  3. In the Fiscal Year field, type the fiscal year you want the report to use (for example, 2010).
  4. In the Period field, type the period you want the report to use (for example, 1).
  5. Click Select Cash Group Codes. From the tab that appears, select the check box for each Cash Group Code you want to include. Or, to select all Cash Group Codes, click Select All. Then, click Save. The selected codes appear in a list under the Select Cash Group Codes button.
  6. If you want the report to account for unapproved eFinancials transactions, select the Include Unapproved Transactions check box.
  7. Select one of the following report printing options:
  8. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.


See Also

Cash Group Codes Overview

Web Service Setup

GL Account Maintenance Tab

GL Reports Introduction

Series of Reports

Setup Report Formats


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