Copy Database Overview

Copy Database provides the ability to copy data from the current eFinancials database to another eFinancials database on the same server. All property, entitycompany, bank, vendor, customer, and transaction information is copied from the current database to the target database.


To use this option, you must have the Copy Database security permission, granted from System—Security—Users.

For successful database copy, both databases must be on the same version of eFinancials 6.5.x or higher.

To be available to be selected as the target, a database must:

After initiating Copy Database:

A message may display, alerting you that duplicate vendor or customer IDs were found. You have two options.

A Copy Database exception report may display. Messages appear at the end of the report to indicate that the process has completed successfully or failed.

The report lists required or recommended actions, and alerts you to duplicate properties, entities companies, vendors, and customers. Messages on the report include:

See Also

To Copy a Database