
Use these buttons on the Bank Reconciliation tab to add service charges, interest, or adjustments and to reconcile and unreconcile.

Add Service Charge

Click to add a service charge, which is a special type of payment.

Add Interest

Click to add interest, which is a special type of deposit.

Add Adjustment

Click to add an adjustment, which can be a special type of payment or deposit.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Select this button when you want to reverse the reconciliation.

The system enables this button when you enter bank statement information for a statement that has already been reconciled. You can find a list of previously completed reconciliations in the Bank Recon Dates field on the Bank Reconciliation Report Tab.

When you select this button, the system opens all of the transactions that were included in the previous reconciliation. All items that were previously selected (checked) are still selected. You can then add a service charge, add interest, or add an adjustment or make whatever other changes are necessary. When you are finished making adjustments, you can complete the new reconciliation as you would any other reconciliation.


Select this button to complete the reconciliation and clear the transactions as reconciled. When you select this button, the system displays a detail version of the Bank Reconciliation Report on-screen automatically. You can print the report now or print it later using the report menu option Bank Reconciliation Report.

The system enables this button when the difference between the Adjusted GL Balance field and the Adjusted Bank Balance field is zero. These fields appear in the total fields below the grid. The zero total displays in the Difference field in the heading of the tab.

See Also

Bank Reconciliation