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Tax Rates Overview
The system can be set up to calculate sales tax on funds
received from Residents if your business operates in a municipality that
requires the collection of these taxes.
Setting up sales tax rates is required if you plan to
calculate, bill for, and collect these taxes.
Effect of Policies
Prior to being able to calculate these taxes, you must
set up policies and tax rates.
Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Inter Property,
Additional Tab
The policy Calculate and bill
resident’s sales taxes must be selected to use sales tax options.
Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Name Tab
The policy Sales Tax Code 1
/ 2 / 3 / 4 establishes the tax names on a global level. These
names appear throughout the system in sales tax code fields. However,
these names can be overridden at the property-policies level.
Setup—Policies—Property Policies—Sales Tax category
The policy Sales Tax Code 1
/ 2 / 3 / 4 establishes the tax names on a property-policies level.
These names appear throughout the system in sales tax code fields on the
property tabs of properties that are subject to the property policy.
Property—Additional—Tax Rates
Fields on this tab identify the income codes that
are subject to a particular tax.
Effect of Permissions
User security permissions must be granted in the System
module to access this menu item.
Tax Rates
Tax Rates Tab
of Names Setup
Setup Questions Tax Rates
Global Policies - Procedures and Tabs