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Lease Expiration Report
Make the following menu selections to display this page:
& Forecast—Lease
This report shows leases with
an expiration date during the report date range sorted by resident and
can include a detail and summary section. The detail section shows
the information sorted by unit type and the summary section shows the
information sorted by unit sub-type with an optional recap section sorted
by unit type.
Selection Criteria
An asterisk (*) indicates
a required field or selection.
Select Properties
Click to select properties from the Select
Properties pop-up. The report runs for all selected properties.
Print Detail
Accept the marked default to print the report
detail section or click once inside the radio button to exclude this section.
Print Summary
Accept the unmarked default to exclude the summary
section or click once inside the radio button to include this section.
Print Type Recap
Accept the checked default to include the type
recap section or uncheck to exclude it.
From Date *
Printing the report calls for a date range to
print from. Enter the first day of the date range using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Or use the Calendar Button to display
a date.
Thru Date *
Printing the report calls for a date range to
print from. Enter the last day of the date range using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Or use the Calendar Button to display
a date.
Include MTM Leases
Accept the unchecked default to exclude MTM leases
or check to include them.
Process Renewals
Use the drop-down to select what you want to do
about processing renewals when the report is displayed. Selecting to process
a renewal posts pending rent changes to the resident's account as defined
per their lease renewal. Options include:
- Do Not Process Renewals—Renewals are
not processed.
- Approved Renewals—only process
approved renewals. This option posts rent changes per the lease renewal
to the resident's account for approved renewals only.
- All Renewals—process all
renewals. This option posts rent changes per the lease renewal for all
renewals regardless of the renewal's approval status.
Report Details
The report details below assume all defaults are selected.
The display of some fields may vary depending on the criteria you select.
The building + unit number. For instance, 01-A101.
The unit type + sub-type. For instance, 1B/1B
The primary occupant name. For instance, Sally
Sq. Ft
Unit total square footage count.
Market Rent
Market Rent is the unit market or street value,
which may differ from the rent amount actually billed to the resident
leasing the unit.
Lease Rent
The sum of all Recurring Charges for the resident
that are marked Receivable for their current lease.
Rent Conc
The amount of any rental concession provided to
the resident for signing the lease renewal. Rent concessions are billings
posted to the Rent income code that are set up as Potential = N and Receivable
= Y.
Other Charges
The income codes and amounts of any other charges
billed to this resident per their current lease. For instance, GAR for
Garage, $25.00.
Total Charges
The sum of all recurring charges.
The term of the resident's current lease listed
in months. For instance a six month lease is listed as 6.
Lease Expires
The date the current lease is scheduled to expire.
Expected Move Out
If the resident has submitted an Intent to Vacate,
then the day they plan to vacate the unit is listed.
Previous Change
The difference between Lease Rent and the total
amount of the most recently expired recurring charges where the Income
Code type = Rent.
Monthly Total
Monthly subtotals are listed for the Detail report.
Property Total
Column totals are listed. The number of leases
expiring in the month is listed, along with the percentage of total apartments
in the property represented by that number. If MTM leases are included,
then they are shown as the first monthly category. The same total information
is also provided for the property.
Grand Total
If more than one property was selected, then Grand
Totals are listed at the end of the report.
To Display the Lease Expiration Report
- From
the eSite menu, select Reports—Renewal &
- Click Select
Properties. Select the properties for which you want to print the
report and click Done.
- Select the information
you want to see on the report (refer to the Selection Criteria for this
- Select a Report
Format option: Acrobat
Reader (default), Crystal Viewer, Excel.
- Click Display. If you selected the printing option, Excel,
you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the
report opens in your preferred format.
and Forecast Reports Overview
Report Printing Options
Select Properties