A red dot (
) indicates
a required field or selection.
Guest Card Action Code 
Type an identification code for the action (for
example, type NI for Not
Type a description for the action (for example,
Not Interested).
This description appears on Guest Cards in the drop-down list
for the Action Taken field on the Guest
Information tab.
Will Not Lease 
Select Yes if you expect that a prospect
with this Guest Action Code will not lease.
Select No if you expect that a prospect with this Guest Action Code will lease.
For example, you can set up
a Guest Card Action Code, "Too Many Occupants" and you would leave the Will Not
Lease box unchecked because if the guest is looking for a 1 bedroom
unit with three other occupants and your property allows only two occupants
per bedroom, in this situation, the guest would not qualify to lease.