Effect of Property Policies on Weekly Boxscore

define how eSite responds. For the Weekly Boxscore Report, property policies choices made in  the category determine the last day of the reporting week and when a unit is counted as Leased, and affect how the report counts are calculated.

The settings in the and Move-Out categories determine if a unit is considered occupied on the day the resident moves out. If active, the lease status does not change to Previous until the day after the move-out date and is excluded from lost rent calculations on the Lost Rent Report. If not then the unit is counted as Occupied on the day before the move-out. The unit is not considered Vacant until the actual move-out date, at which time the unit status changes to Previous.


NOTE that an administrator can change policy settings. Caution should be exercised when altering defaults or established settings, as changes can have far-reaching effects on the way the system computes results for the Weekly Boxscore Report.

See Also

Weekly Boxscore Report Overview

Weekly Boxscore Tab

Leasing Reports Overview

Reports Overview

Report Printing Options

Select Properties

Property Policy Groups - Settings


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