Preferred Method of Contact
From the drop-down list, select a primary method
of contact (By Phone1, By Phone2, By Phone3, By EMail, By Fax). All selected
preferences are listed on reports. The By Email preference is linked to
Enter an e-mail address for the contact, up to
50 characters.
If this information was entered in the guest card, it
is pre-populated in this field.
Enter a fax number for the contact.
If this information was entered in the guest card, it
is pre-populated in this field.
Contact 1, 2, 3 Details
Title 1, 2, 3
Enter a title for the contact name (for example,
Mr. or Ms.).
First 1, 2, 3
Enter the first name for the contact. Do not use
special characters, such as an apostrophe.
MI 1, 2, 3
Enter the middle initial for the contact. Do not
use special characters, such as an apostrophe.
Last 1, 2, 3
Enter the last name for the contact. Do not use
special characters, such as an apostrophe.
Phone No 1, 2, 3
Enter a phone number for the contact.
Notes 1, 2, 3
Enter any free-form notes that apply to the contact.