Select the address type to use for printed statements.
Options: Primary, Mailing, Billing, Statement or Other
Sorted by
Select how to sort the printed statements.
Options: Apt or Zip Code
Activity works in combination with the Type of
Listing selection to control Statement output.
All Activity/Summary—Prints one
line per transaction header along with the transaction header description,
unless a transaction contains entries that affect multiple invoices. If
that is the case, then one line item per invoice is listed.
All Activity/Detail—Prints one
line per transaction detail along with the transaction header description.
Outstanding/Summary—Prints one
line item per open invoice number which is based on the actual open item.
The description printed for the invoice is the transaction description
for the transaction which created the open item.
Outstanding/Detail—Prints one
line item per open item. The description printed is the income code description.
Type of Listing
Determine the amount of detail printed on each
Options: Detail or Summary
Default: Summary
# of Copies
Enter the number of copies to print for each statement.
Open text field used to type a personal message
to the resident and/or corporate client receiving the statement.