A red asterisk ( * )
indicates a required field or selection. Details displayed at the top
of this tab are for reference only and cannot be edited.
Enter the date of the concession billing using
this format: mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar
Button to select a date.
Ref #
If used, enter a reference number to assign to
the concession billing.
If used, enter an invoice number to assign to
the concession billing. If left blank, the system uses a system-generated
invoice number.
Type a brief description of the concession billing.
The default is "Concession Billing."
Print Letter
Check to print a Special Billings letter explaining
the concession details to the resident.
Concession Code
From the drop-down list, select the concession
code to apply to the billing.
This field is automatically populated when you
select the Concession Code. This is the description that appears on the
resident's account when the fixed concession is billed to the resident.
Due Date
Enter the date the concession billing is due to
be applied using this format: mm/dd/yyyy. Or, use the Calendar Button
to select a date.
This field is automatically populated when you
select the Concession Code. If
your permissions allow you to edit the concession amount, this field is
editable. The amount should be entered as a credit (for example, to enter
a concession in the amount of $50, type -50).
Do not include a plus sign in your entry. Doing so prevents
you from deleting the entry and could negatively impact your financial