Use this tab to establish policies for cash batches, receipts in the cash batch, bulk payment entries, batch approval, and defaults for resident transfers.
Max Receipts in a Cash batch
The number of receipts (or payments) that can be entered into a specific batch. The default for this field is 60 receipts. You can type a different number of receipts from 0 through 99. For counting purposes only, a receipt is equal to a payment (the Max. # of receipts in a batch can be changed policy enables you to allow the user to change this number when adding receipts in a cash batch.
A value of zero (0) indicates an unlimited number of receipts can be entered.
Max. # of receipts in a batch can be changed
Select this policy if you want to allow the user to change the maximum number of receipts when adding receipts in a cash batch.
Max # of receipts set when the batch was created can be exceeded
Select this policy if you want to allow the user to exceed the maximum number of receipts specified when creating the batch.
Automatically create ACH entries when batch approved
Select this policy if you want the system to create ACH entries when a batch is approved.
Enabling this policy adds a new file layout that includes the source type of a transaction (ePay, MICR, Web Payment) and works with those batches that need to have the ACH entries created for them when processing electronic resident payments (ePay\Direct Rent).
Only the User who created the batch can create the ACH file
Select this policy if you want to limit access to ACH file creation. Only the user who created a given batch can create the ACH file for that specific batch.
Create a single ACH file for selected properties when using Balanced NACHA format (check box)
Select this policy if you want the system to create a single .ACH file for the selected properties when using the Balanced NACHA format. If this policy is not selected, the system will create multiple .ACH files when using the format.
Batches are required to be restricted to a particular property
Select this policy if you want to restrict batches by property and want to require completion of the field Restrict to property on the Adjustment Batch Tab or Cash Batches Tab when creating a new batch.
Enabling this policy affects the following policies:
Policies—Ledger Tab
The policy Only the user who created a batch can enter transactions in it no longer appears.
Property Policies—View, batch, Calculate Tab
The policy Only the user who created a batch can enter transactions in it appears for Batches.
Policies—Additional Tab
The inter-property fields Allow resident transfer between properties and Allow resident renumber between properties are disabled.
Only the user who created a batch can enter transactions in it
Select this policy if you want to restrict batches so that only the user who entered a batch can add, modify, or delete transactions in it.
If this policy is not selected, then any user can add, modify, or delete transactions in a batch created by another user.
Bulk Payment Entry
Allow difference between balance due & paid (check box)
Select this policy if you want the system to allow the entry of payments that are for an approximate amount due when using the Bulk Payments Tab. Otherwise, clear the check box if you want the system to accept only the entry of exact amounts. The amount due in Bulk Entry is the total balance due. Unapproved transactions are included in the total balance due.
Automatically allocate if there is a difference (check box)
Select this policy if you want the system to allocate the payment entered on the Bulk Payments Tab by using Income Code priorities. After the allocation to all outstanding open items is complete, the remaining portion is allocated to future lease charges.
Otherwise, clear the check box if you want the system to allocate the payment entered based on income code priorities, balance billing periods, and future charges due. Allocations can be reviewed and modified if necessary.
Batch Approval
Default in the total amount to be approved for Cash Batches
Select this policy if you want the system to insert the batch total in the Total box during the batch approval process.
Default in the total amount to be approved for Adjustment Batches
Select this policy if you want the system to insert the batch total in the Total box during the batch approval process.
Options in the Grid
Allow user to change transfer defaults
Select this policy if you want if you want the system to allow default settings to be changed.
Defaults for Resident Transfers
Selections determine the default only. The user can still change the value when performing a resident transfer.
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the balances to the new unit.
Security Deposits
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the security deposits to the new unit.
Calculations for Transferring Security
Deposits on Hand
When transferring security deposits on hand, the system performs these calculations:
A negative billing and a negative payment for security and other deposits on hand on the old lease.
A negative security deposit interest adjustment for SDI accrued on the old lease.
A positive billing and a positive payment for security and other deposits on hand on the new lease.
A positive security deposit interest adjustment for SDI accrued on the new lease.
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the memos to the new unit.
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the addresses to the new unit.
Lease Renewals
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the lease renewals to the new unit.
For use by Commercial properties only.
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the recoveries to the new unit.
For use by Commercial properties only.
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the sales to the new unit.
For use by Commercial properties only.
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the insurance to the new unit.
For use by Commercial properties only.
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer the holdovers to the new unit.
ePay Setup
Select this policy if you want the system to transfer ePay Setup records for each occupant to the new unit. If the check box is selected here, the default for the ePay check box on the Transfer Information tab is “checked;” if the check box is cleared, the default is “cleared.”
See Also
Global Policies - Procedure and Tabs
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