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To Process Lease Charges
- From the eSite menu,
select Processing—Lease
- On the Lease
Charges Tab, the date defaults to the current system date. Accept
the default or type another date to run the process as of (mm/dd/yyyy).
Or use the Calendar Button to select a date.
- Use the Select
Properties button to select properties, if desired.
- Click Process
to initiate the charge calculations. The system runs the Lease Charges
process and displays a series of reports to screen indicating which charges
were applied to what residents.
- Use Window's print
options to view, print or save the report file.
If there are prior period charges, after clicking Process for Lease Charges (or Run BOD to process Begin of Day), a
pop-up window notifies you that this unit will be billed for prior periods.
You have two options:
- Click Print
and Cancel to cancel out of the changes and print a
Prior Period Charges Exception Report
showing what would have been charged to the unit. After reviewing the
report, if charges were cancelled that you want to charge after all, re-enter
the charges and click Save. Prior Period Charges Exception Report
The Prior Period Charges Exceptions report shows
Bldg.-Unit No., Name (resident), Status (resident), Income Code, Amount,
Pro-In (date), Next Due Date, and Source: Lease Charges or Lease Renewals.
- Or, click Continue Processing to
save the changes.
Lease Charges Overview
of Global Policies
of Property Policies
Lease Charges