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Return Codes Setup
Make the following selections from the eSite menu to
display this grid:
Setup—Global—Return Codes
Use this grid to manage return codes.
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
Fields Lists
Grid Fields
Add Return Code
Select this button to add a new Return Code. Refer
to the add instructions later in this topic.
Return Code
The identification for the Return Code.
The description of the Return Code.
Count for NSF
Shows Y/N for Yes/No, returned checks for this
return code are/are not included by the system in the calculations done
in the resident file.
Use the Delete
button to delete a Return Code. Refer to the delete instructions
later in this topic.
Add/Edit Return Code Fields
A red dot
indicates a required field or
Use this page to add or edit data for a return code.
Return Code
Enter a short code that can be used during a return
item transaction entry to designate the reason a check was returned. This
code is your return code.
Once a code is entered, it cannot be modified.
Enter a description, or descriptive name, for
this return code.
Count for NSF 
Select an option from the drop-down list. The
following options are possible:
This option is the default. Accept this default if you want the system
to include the returned checks in the calculations done in the resident
Select this option if you do not want the system to include the returned
checks in the calculations done in the resident file.
To Add a Return Code
- From the eSite menu,
select Setup—Global—Return Codes.
- From the Return Codes
Grid, click Add Return Code.
- From the Add Edit
Return Code page, in the Return Code
field, type a short code that can be used during return item transaction
entry to designate the reason a check was returned.
Once a code is entered, it cannot be modified.
- In the Description
field, type a descriptive name for this return code.
- From the Count
for NSF drop-down list, select whether or not you want the system
to include the returned checks in the calculations done in the resident
file (Yes or No).
- Click Save.
To Edit a Return Code
- From the eSite menu,
select Setup—Global—Return Codes.
- From the Return Codes
Grid, select the return code you want to edit.
- Make your desired
changes on the Add/Edit Return Code page.
- Click Save.
To Delete a Return Code
- From the eSite menu,
select Setup—Global—Return Codes.
- From the Return Codes
Grid, click the Delete
icon for
the return code you want to delete.
- Click OK to confirm.
To Print a Return Codes List
Codes Overview
Setup Questions Return Codes
Global Overview