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Rentable Item Types
Make the following selections from the eSite menu to
display this grid:
Setup—Global—Rentable Items
Use this tab to manage rentable items. Using this menu
item you can set up Rentable Item Types and designate which general ledger
accounts to transfer vacancy and loss to lease calculations to for each
rentable item type. Once Rentable Item Types is set up, you can add Rentable Items for each Rentable
Item Type.
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
Grid Fields
Rentable Item Types Grid
Add Rentable Item Type
Click to
add a new rentable item type.
The code for the rentable item type. Click to view or edit details for a
rentable item type.
The description of the rentable item type.
Total Items
The total number available of the rentable item
type, for example, 10 if there are ten of the rentable item type, Garages.
In Use
The number of the rentable item types that are
being used currently.
A link to the Items grid that lists the available
items of that type.
Click the Delete icon
to delete
a rentable item type.
Tab Fields
General Tab
A red dot
indicates a required field or
Enter a code for the rentable item type, i.e.,
for the overall category of rentable items; for example, STOR.
Enter a brief description for the rentable item
type code; for example, storage units.
Max Items
Enter the maximum number of this item type that
you have to rent. You can click the link in the Items column in the Rentable
Item Types grid for details about the items available.
The number of line items you enter in the Items grid
must not exceed the number you enter here in the Max
Items field.
Select an option from the drop-down list. The
following options are possible:
Select this option to have the system track all available (unrented) rentable
items for the Loss to Lease/Vacancy calculation. If you select this option,
we recommend that when you set up the rental item income code
in Income Codes setup that you do not select
Potential for the Income Code.
When you select Yes, the Transfer With field is enabled.
This option is the default. Accept this default to prevent the system from
tracking rentable items for the Loss to Lease/Vacancy calculation.
Transfer With
If you selected Yes for Potential, this field
is enabled (and required). Click the Lookup button
and select
a property so that this rentable item type transfers with the property.
Restricted to Property (ies)
Select the property or properties to which you
want to limit the current rentable item type.
Address Tab
Line 1 - 4
Enter the street address associated to the rentable
item type, using up to three lines. For example, if the rentable item
is Washing Machines and they are stored in a warehouse, enter the address
of the warehouse that houses the washing machines.
Enter the zip code, city, and state for the location
of the rentable item type.
Enter the country in which the rentable item type
is located.
More Contact Info Tab
Preferred Method of Contact
From the drop-down list, select the preferred
method of contact for the rentable item type. Options include By Phone1,
By Phone2, ByPhone3, By Email, By Fax. These options reference the other
fields on this tab.
Enter a valid email address for the contact for
the rentable item type.
Enter a valid fax number for the contact for the
rentable item type, including area code and country code, if applicable.
Contact 1-3
For each contact for the rentable item type, enter
a title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.), name (first, middle initial and last) and phone
number including area code and country code, if applicable.
Type free-form notes into the text box, if desired.
You can enter up to 255 characters.
GL Accounts Tab
When a user runs the Transfer to GL process and selects
that the process is run for Month End, then the Transfer to GL process
will include lost rent for the rentable item types that are transferred
with the property for which Transfer to G/L is being run.
Use this tab to link the rentable item type to an entity,
which is associated with a general ledger account, and to a method of
data transfer.
If you enter a GL Account, Entity is required.
If you enter an Entity, at least one GL Account is required.
Enter a valid Entity ID for the Entity to affect
when processing the transfer to general ledger for this rentable item
Type / GL Account
Enter a GL Account
into Type field(s) to control which Type and GL account the Transfer to
GL impacts.
Loss To Lease Debit
The G/L account established during income code set up used to post the
account balance as a debit.
Loss To Lease Credit
The G/L account established during income code set up used to post
the account balance as a credit.
Vacancy Debit
The G/L account established during income code set up used to post
the account balance as a debit.
Vacancy Credit
The G/L account established during income code set up used to post
the account balance as a credit.
Xfer to GL
Select a method to control how entries to this
general ledger account transfer to the general ledger. The following methods
are possible:
Summary — This
option is the default. Accept this default to transfer a summary by Income
Code and Transaction Type (such as Recurring Charge, One Time Charge,
regular Payment, NSF payment, Lost Rent, etc..
Overall Summary —
Transfers a summary by Transaction Type,
regardless of Income Code. All billing Transaction Types (Recurring Charges,
One Time Charges, Adjustments ) are grouped together.
— Transfers
all transaction details. Each transaction creates separate entries.
Click Delete
for the set of selections you want to delete. The delete
option appears automatically as you make entries.
Click to save changes.
See Also
Rentable Items Overview
Rentable Items
Questions Rentable Items Policies
Questions - General Tab
Questions - Address Tab
Questions - More Contact Info
Questions - GL Accounts Tab
Global Overview