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Discharges/Returns Grid
Make the following menu selections to display the grid:
Use this page to manage resident discharges and returns
for properties that use the Assisted
Living functionality. The grid shows residents suitable for Discharge
or Return.
The name of the Unit, Resident, and Resident status column
headings is based on the Unit and Resident Long Name value in the Property
Names category for property policies associated with the current Property.
For example, if the value for Unit is "Bed," then Bed would
display instead of Unit.
Grid Fields
You can filter a column using the filter
The building identification that appears on lists
and in reports. Click the column title to sort the list by building.
The unit identification that appears on lists
and in reports. Click the column title to sort the list by unit.
Physical Unit
The Physical
Unit that the unit is located in. This column appears if the property
policy, Track Physical Units
is turned on.
The resident name that appears on lists and in
reports. Click the column title to sort the list by resident name.
Resident Status
The resident status that appears on lists and
in reports: Current, On-Notice, and Transfer, based on status for the
log in date. Click the column title to sort the list by resident status.
The most recent discharge date and time for the
resident, if the resident has been discharged from the unit.
Expected Return
The most recent date and time of return for the
resident, if the resident has been discharged and then has returned to
the unit.
The most recent discharge
reason, if the resident has been discharged.
Click the icon to add a new discharge record for
the resident. The Add Discharge
page opens. Refer to the Add Discharge
Fields list for more information.
Click the icon to add a new return record for
the resident. The Add Return
page opens. Refer to the Add Return
Fields list for more information.
Click the link to view, edit or delete existing
resident discharges and returns. Refer to the History
Fields list for more information.
Add Discharge Fields
The display-only resident name.
Resident Status
The display-only resident status.
The editable date of the discharge. The current
date at 12:00 AM appears in the field by default. To change the date/time,
use the calendar button
and time button
Expected return
The expected return date and time for the resident.
The field is blank by default. To enter or change the date/time, use the
calendar button
and time button
for the resident. The field is blank by default. To enter a discharge
reason, click on the drop-down arrow and select a reason.
Click the button to save changes.
Add Return Fields
The display-only resident name.
Resident Status
The display-only resident status.
The editable date of the discharge. The current
date at 12:00 am appears in the field by default. To change the date/time,
use the calendar button
and time button
Expected return
The expected return date and time for the resident.
The field is blank by default. To enter or change the date/time, use the
calendar button
and time button
for the resident. The field is blank by default. To enter a discharge
reason, click on the drop-down arrow and select a reason.
Click the button to save changes.
History Fields
If the resident has not been discharged, the history
grid will be blank.
The date of the discharge or return.
The action: Discharge or Return.
Expected Return Date
The date the resident is expected to return from
Discharge. To add an Expected Return Date, click in the field and use
the calendar button
and time button
add/edit a date/time.
The reason that the resident was discharged/returned.
To change the reason, click in the field and then click on the arrow that
appears to select another reason.
Click the delete button to delete the line, which
removes the history from the grid.
Click the button to save changes.
Click the button and unsaved changes are discarded.
Add a Discharge
- From the eSite menu,
select Leasing—Discharge/Return.
- From the Discharges/Returns
grid, click the Discharge
- Use the Add
Discharge Fields list to complete the Discharge.
- Click Save.
You are returned to the grid.
Add a Return
- From the eSite menu,
select Leasing—Discharge/Return.
- From the Discharges/Returns
grid, click the Discharge
- Use the Add
Return Fields list to complete the return.
- Click Save.
You are returned to the grid.
Follow these steps to
add a new Physical Unit to eSite.
- From the eSite menu,
select Setup—Property—Physical Units..
- From the Physical
Units grid, click Add Physical Unit.
- In the Physical
Unit field, type the identifier for the Physical Unit and then
press the Tab key.
- Click on the drop-down
arrow that appears in the Building field,
select the Building ID for the Physical Unit, and then press the Tab key.
- Use the arrows that
appear in the Unit Count field to select the number of Units contained
in the Physical Unit and then press the Enterkey.
- Click Save.
You are returned to the grid.
Refer to Setup
Steps and Setup Sequence
in the Policies and Setup Guide for more information about initial setup
of property policies.
View/Edit History
- From the eSite menu,
select Leasing—Discharge/Return.
- Locate a resident
on the grid and then click the History
- View the History
or use the History Fields list
to edit the History.
- Click Save
to save your changes or Reset
to discard your changes.
To Delete a Discharge/Return
- From the eSite menu,
select Leasing—Discharge/Return.
- From the Discharges/Returns
grid, click the History link for
the resident with the Discharge or Return you want to delete.
- Select a button:
* Click Save to permanently
delete the Discharge/Return from the grid.
* Click Reset to re-display
the line; it is not deleted.
To View All Residents
By default the Resident status grid is filtered to show
only residents with the status Current, On-Notice, and Transfer. To view
residents with other statuses, follow these instructions.
- From the eSite menu,
select Leasing—Discharge/Return.
- From the
Resident Status column, click the .
The Filter pop-up form opens.
- Click
the Clear button. The grid refreshes
and shows all residents of all statuses.
- Click
on the History link to view history, if desired. You cannot Discharge
or Return a resident with a status other than Current, On-Notice, or Transfer.
To restore the grid to the default and show only residents
with Current, On-Notice, or Transfer, status, go off the grid by selecting
another menu item, a History link, or any Discharge or Return button.
Effect of Property
The property policy, Track Occupant
Days by Occupant must be selected to work with discharges and returns.
The property policy, Track Physical
Units must be turned on for the Physical
Unit column to appear in the grid.
See Also
Reasons Setup
Assisted Living Overview
of Names on Names Tab