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Move-Out Report
Make the following selections from the eSite menu to
display this page:
Move-Out (Residential)
Reports—Misc. Reports—Move-Out (Commercial)
This report lists list out move-outs for a selected date range..
Selection Criteria
A red circle (
) indicates
a required field.
Select Properties
Click to select properties from the Select
Properties pop-up. The report runs for all selected properties.
From Date 
Printing the report calls for a date range to
print from. Enter the first day of the date range using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Or use the Calendar Button to select
a date.
Thru Date 
Printing the report calls for a date range to
print from. Enter the last day of the date range using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Or use the Calendar Button to select
a date.
Sort By
Select how to sort the
data on the activity report.
Unit (default) - Select this option to sort the report by unit.
Move-Out Date - Select this option to sort the report by move-out date.
Exclude Transfers (check box)
Checked (default) -- The report excludes transfers.
Unchecked -- The report includes transfers.
Report Details
The report sorts based on Unit or Move-Out Date based on selection criteria.
Report Header
The report header prints based on selections made for the option Default report headers should print, which is on the global policies View, Print, Wait Tab.
The unit for the move-out.
The name of the tenant who moved out.
The date of the move-out.
Code / Description
The code and description used to identify the reason for the move-out, for example, BH for Buy House.
The Type for the move-out: Move-Out or Transfer.
NOTE that when Exclude Transfers is selected, the Type will be Move-Out only.
The total number of move-outs.
To Display the Move-Out Report
- From
the eSite menu, select Reports—Leasing Reports—Move-Out Report.
- Click Select
Properties. Select the properties for which you want to print the
report and click Done.
- Select the information
you want to see on the report (refer to the Selection Criteria for this
- Select a Report
Format option: Acrobat
Reader (default), Crystal Viewer, Excel (with formulas)..
- Click Display. If you selected the printing option, Excel,
you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the
report opens in your preferred format.
Reports Overview
Reports Overview
Report Printing Options
Select Properties