Use this tab to enter the recurring charges associated
with the lease.
Quoted Rent
Enter the amount of rent quoted to the resident.
To use an electronic calculator to
figure the quoted rent, click the small arrow next to the field (electronic
calculator applies to Residential Properties only).
Stop Billing
Enter the date to stop billing recurring charges.
Or click the Calendar button to display an electronic
calendar and select a date. The date in this field overrides all other
dates to stop recurring billings.
If you enter a date, the system stops billing
the resident on that date. This field should be used only for residents
with the Res Status of Previous.
Required Security Deposit
Enter the amount of security deposit that the
resident is required to pay. To use an electronic calculator
to figure the required security deposit, click the small arrow next to
the field (electronic calculator applies to Residential Properties only).
Income Code Grid
Income Code
Select an income code from the drop-down list
for a recurring charge.
Enter the amount for the recurring charge. To
use an electronic calculator to figure
the amount, click the small arrow next to the field.
Select the Delete
button to delete the income code and amount, i.e., to delete
one recurring charge.