The batch number. Select the batch number from
the grid to access the Modify
Adjustment Batch Tab.
Bank Book
Hold your mouse over the bank book to view cash
batch details.
The display-only total amount of payment transactions
applied to the income code, Rent.
Sec Dep
The display-only total amount of payment transactions
applied to the income code, Sec Deposit 1.
Other Dep
The display-only total amount of payment transactions
applied to the income code, Sec Deposit 2.
The display-only total amount of payment transactions
applied to the income code, Misc Income.
Created On
The display-only date the batch was created.
For batches created by eDex, the Created On date is set
to the Web server's date, if it is earlier than the property's last BOD
date. Otherwise, the Created On date for the batch is the property's last
BOD date.
Created By
The display-only name or ID of the person who
created the batch.
the Approve
icon to approve the
selected cash batch and display the Approve
Cash Batch Tab.
Select the Display
icon to print the selected cash batch to screen.
Select the Delete
icon to delete the selected cash batch.
Deposit Slip
Select the Deposit Slip
icon to print a Deposit Slip Report that includes an itemized
list of payment transactions posted to the cash batch.
The report shows Bank Book, Batch # and Date plus
Check #, building-unit, resident Name, and Amount for each transaction.
The report also shows amounts for Total Checks, Total Money Orders, Total
Savings Drafts, and Total Plastic (credit card payments), with grand totals
for Total Cash and Total Deposits.
Select the View/Edit
icon to display the View/Edit
Transactions (Batch Details) Tab.
Show Batches
Use the drop-down to set specific restrictions
to the way batches can be viewed within the grid.
Created by—Use
to view all batches created by a specified user ID or name.
Created after—Use to view
all batches created after a specified date.
With transactions after—Use to view
all batches containing transactions created after a specified date.
Select the Refresh button
to reset previously selected criteria/data specified using Show Batches.
Add Batch
Select the Add Batches button
to add a new batch using the Add Cash
Batch Tab.