AP Vendor Activity Report

This report provides information on vendor activity. You can limit the report to specific propertiescompanies, date ranges, vendor identification ranges, and transaction codes. The report prints in one of the two standard formats: PDF or Spreadsheet.

When the report prints, it includes the date of the activity and the type of activity (purchase order, invoice, payment). The report associates numbers: purchase order, invoice, voucher, and check numbers appear in transaction lines. In addition, the report includes information on any payment discounts in the Due Date, Disc. Due, and Discount columns. The final amount of the transaction appears immediately beside the propertycompany to which the transaction applies.


This report shows information for purchase orders entered in ePO only. It does not show information for purchase orders entered in eFinancials. To view this report with information for all purchase orders, eFinancials users can generate this report from the eFinancials—Reports—AP Reports menu.


AP Reporting Overview

Concepts and Processes Introduction