Setup Steps ePO - Standard Setup

After you have planned your setup—reading setup details and completing the questionnaires necessary for your setup—you are ready to start entering data into the system. We suggest that you follow the ordered tasks detailed below for a smooth and successful setup.


A red asterisk ( * ) indicates a required set up activity.

Complete the Policy Setup

The policy setup should be completed prior to adding any other files to your system.

  1. Set up global policies*.
    Use your completed global policy questionnaire for reference.
  2. Confirm that all users are established in System—Security—Users.
  3. Set up user policies*.
    Use your completed user policy questionnaire for reference.

Complete the Basic Setup

Completing the basic setup is required and can be done at any time after you have completed the policy setup. The basic setup allows you to add information to the system that is necessary for further set up. Frequently, the information you add displays later in the set up process in drop-down list that allow you to make selections.

  1. Set up calendars*.
    Use your completed calendar questionnaires for reference.
  2. Set up fiscal years*.
    Use your completed fiscal years questionnaires for reference.
  3. Set up companies*. Complete the General tab.
    Use your completed company questionnaires for reference. Or, if your data was converted, confirm that your setup is correct. Note that you do not have the information necessary to complete the 1099 Payer tab at this point in the setup process. During the vendor setup, you are asked to return to this tab and complete it if you plan to use 1099 reporting features.
  4. Set up entities*.
    Use your completed entities questionnaires for reference. Note that GL accounts and default budget versions are created later in the setup process. Therefore, you may not be able to select them at this time because they may not exist. These instructions include a steps that ask you to return to entities and complete missing items when they become available for selection.
  5. Give yourself access to the newly-created entity (Setup—Security—User Entity  Access).

Complete the Financial Setup

Completing the financial setup is required and can be done at any time after you have completed all of the pervious setups. The financial setup allows you to add information to the system that is necessary for the processing of financial transactions.

  1. Set up GL accounts*.
    Use your completed GL accounts questionnaires for reference. Or, if your data was converted, confirm that your setup is correct.
  2. Return to entities* and add GL accounts for each entity.
    Add a retained earnings general ledger account and a profit and loss general ledger account for the summary. Use your completed entities questionnaires for reference.
  3. Set up groups (optional).
    Use your completed group questionnaires for reference.
    Groups are selected when you set up properties; therefore, if you plan to use them, they need to be set up prior to setting up properties.
  4. Set up bank accounts*.
    Use your completed bank accounts questionnaires for reference. Or, if your data was converted, confirm that your setup is correct. Note that you must be able to complete the GL Accounts tab or the system will not allow you to save the bank account. You must have entities and general ledger accounts set up.
  5. Set up properties*.
    Use your completed properties questionnaires for reference. Or, if your data was converted, confirm that your setup is correct.
  6. Give yourself access to the newly-created property (Setup—Security—User Property Access).
  7. Set up expense codes*—both accounts payable and accounts receivable expense codes.
    Use your completed expense codes questionnaires for reference. Or, if your data was converted, confirm that your setup is correct.

Complete the Vendor Setup

Completing the vendor setup is required and can be done at any time after you have completed all of the pervious setups. The vendor setup allows you to add information to the system that is necessary for the processing of accounts payable transactions.

  1. Set up allocations (optional).
    Use your completed allocations questionnaires for reference.
  2. Set up groups (optional).
    Use your completed group questionnaires for reference.
    Groups are selected when you set up vendors; therefore, if you plan to use them, they need to be set up prior to setting up vendors.
  3. Return to companies (optional) and complete the 1099 Payer tab.
    Complete this step only if you plan to use 1099 reporting features. Use your completed company questionnaires for reference.
  4. Set up vendors*.
    Use your completed vendor questionnaires for reference. Or, if your data was converted, confirm that your setup is correct.

Complete the Budget Setup

Completing the budget setup is optional and can be done at any time after you have completed all of the pervious setups. The budget setup allows you to add information to the system that is necessary for the processing of budget transactions.

  1. Set up budget versions.
    Use your completed budget version questionnaires for reference.
  2. Set up budgets.
    Use your completed budget questionnaires for reference.


Setup Plan Introduction