Setup Questions Jobs - MSA Codes

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. These questions follow the order of the fields as they are described in the Field List section of the topic for this page or form.

Additional Information

Refer to the following topic for more information: Edit: MSA Codes, User Codes - Associated Pages


  1. Print this topic. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Use your answers to set up the system.

Questions for MSA Codes

User Code

MSA is the default, which is hard-coded into the system and cannot be changed.

Description (for the user code label)

MSA Codes is the default, which is hard-coded into the system and cannot be changed. This description is used as the label in the AR Codes submenu, i.e.:

Setup—Job Costing—MSA Codes (is the default and cannot be changed)

Code/Description Table

User Code / Description

What Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) User Code and Description do I want to use for this MSA?

The codes that you add are shown in the Select MSA Code pop-up form when a user clicks on the MSA Code field lookup in the setup Jobs Payroll tab.

Enter a User Code: _____________________________________

Enter a Description: _____________________________________


Enter a User Code: _____________________________________

Enter a Description: _____________________________________


Enter a User Code: _____________________________________

Enter a Description: _____________________________________


Enter a User Code: _____________________________________

Enter a Description: _____________________________________


Enter a User Code: _____________________________________

Enter a Description: _____________________________________



If you are adding many MSA Codes at one time you may want to use MS Word to create a simple table to record your answers in.

See Also

User Codes - Associated Pages