Setup Questions for Purchase Orders Global Policies

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. These questions follow the order of the fields as they are described in the Field List section of the topic for this page or form.


  1. Print this topic. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Circle your answer, and then use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Send a copy of your completed questionnaire to AMSI Support.
  6. Use your answers to set up the system.

Questions for Purchase Order Global Policies

Enable purchase order processing

Do you want users to enter purchase orders?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

If yes, select the check box.

If no, clear the check box.

Enable Email

Do you want the system to send an email to the person responsible for authorizing purchase orders that are over spending or budget limits?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

If yes, select the check box.

If no, clear the check box.

Rollover open PO to new Period

Do you want purchase orders to roll over into a new account period as part of the period close process?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

If yes, select the check box. When you run period close, the system changes the accounting period for the expense allocation to the new period for all purchase orders, including purchase orders that are partially invoiced.

If no, clear the check box. When you run period close, the system leaves the period for all open purchase orders as they are; that is, as originally entered. If a period must be changed, a user must open the purchase order and make the change.

One Allocation per PO line

Do you want the purchase order entry to allow one Allocation per purchase order line, or instead use one allocation to many purchase order lines?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

If yes, accept the default of checked to allow one allocation per purchase order line.

If no, check the box to use one allocation to many purchase order lines.

Allow POs despite effective/expiration date issues with required documents

Do you want to allow purchase orders despite effective date or expiration date issues with required documents? Refer to Global Policies Setup - PO Tab for help deciding.

Circle one of the following options: Yes, No.

Require authorization when over budget

Do you want to require authorization when the purchase order is over budget?

Circle one of the following options: None, MTD, YTD, Both.

Default value for allocation line description  

Select your desired option for how the system will populate the Description field for each allocation line item during PO entry.

Circle one: None, Expense Code Description, Line Item Description, or Prior Line Description

On the screen, select your desired option:


The system will insert a value in the Description field for the allocation line item during PO entry. A description must be entered manually.

Expense Code Description.

The system will automatically populate the Description field for each allocation line item with the associated expense code description during PO Entry.

Line Item Description

The system will automatically populate the Description field for each allocation line item with the PO Description during PO Entry.

Prior Line Description

The system will automatically populate the Description field for each allocation line item with the description from the previous allocation line item.

See Also

Purchase Order Effect of Global Policies

Global Policies PO Tab