Setup Questions Budgets Tab

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. The questions follow the pattern detailed in the field list that is associated with the task. A field list follows the questions should you need additional information to answer a question.


  1. Print this topic—one set of questions for each budget you want to add. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Enter a response or circle your answer. If circling, use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Use your answers to set up each budget you want to add.

Entity Company

What EntityCompany am I setting up a budget for?

Enter an ID: _____________________________________

Questions for Budgets Tab

Selected Year

What year is the budget for?

Enter a year: ____________________________________

Budget Version

What budget version do I want to use for this budget?

Enter an ID: _____________________________________


What account number am I setting up this budget for?

Enter a number: _________________________________

Note that the account numbers in the grid for which you can set up budgets include a record type. Only budgets that carry a record type of Detail can have a budget added, edited, or deleted. Refer to the Account Maintenance Tab for more information on record types.


Are the amounts for each period the same?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, answer the calculation questions to divide amount equally between periods.

—If no, answer the budget amount questions.

Calculation Questions

Calculation Method

What calculation method do I want to use?

Enter a method: __________________________________


What total amount do I want to use for the calculation?

Enter an amount: $________________________________

Example: If you pick the calculation method Calc Yearly, enter an amount, and then select the Calc button, the system divides the amount by the number of periods and inserts the amount in the period-related Amount fields.

Budget Amount Questions

Period / Amount

What amount do I want to budget for each period?

Periods and beginning dates default from the Fiscal Years Tab.

Complete these blanks when periods have differing amounts.

Enter an amount for period  1: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  2: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  3: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  4: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  5: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  6: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  7: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  8: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period  9: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period 10: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period 11: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period 12: $_____________________

Enter an amount for period 13: $_____________________

