Setup Questions for AR Tab - Global Policies

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. These questions follow the order of the fields as they are described in the Field List section of the topic for this page or form.

Field List

Refer to the following field list for more information: AR Tab


  1. Print this topic. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Circle your answer, and then use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Send a copy of your completed questionnaire to AMSI Support.
  6. Use your answers to set up the system.

Questions for AR Global Policies

Next Billing Number

Do I want to use the default for the next billing number?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, accept the default of unchecked.

—If no, enter a different number for the next billing. Remember to end the format with a number so that the system is able to increment to the next number.

Next Write Off Number

Do I want to use the default for the next write off number?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, accept the default.

—If no, enter a different number for the next write off. Remember to end the format with a number so that the system is able to increment to the next number.

Default value for billing allocation line description

What value do I want to appear by default on the Billings Allocations tab for the Description field? Refer to AR Tab for more information.

Circle one to select on the screen:


—Expense Code Description

—Prior Line Description

Use Markups

Do I want  to mark up invoices?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, check the box.

—If no, uncheck the box.

Use Retainage

Do I want  to use retainage functionality in eFinancials?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, check the box.

—If no, uncheck the box.

Projection Period Days

What are the number of days in the AR Cash Projection periods?

On the screen:

Enter the number of days for each of the four periods if you do not want to use the default values (30, 60, 90, 120 days).

Period 1 _____ Period 2 _____ Period 3 _____ Period 4 ____

Aging Period Days

What are the number of days in the AR Aging periods?

On the screen:

Enter the number of days for each of the four periods if you do not want to use the default values (30, 60, 90, 120 days).

Period 1 _____ Period 2 _____ Period 3 _____ Period 4 ____

See Also

AR Effect of Global Policies