Effect of Global Policies on Reports and Inquiries

Reports and inquiries for eFinancials, ePO, and Job Cost can be affected by the following global policy settings:

Default value for "Include unapproved transactions" on reports and inquiries.

This policy is found here: Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Common Tab.

For all eFinancials, ePO, and Job Cost reports and inquiries that include the prompt, the following is true.


When the check box for this policy is checked (i.e., turned on), then that sets the default value for the Include unapproved transactions check box to "selected" (checked) for all eFinancials and ePO reports and inquiries that include the prompt.

 Not selected

When the check box for this policy is unchecked (i.e., policy is turned off), then that sets the default value to "unselected" (unchecked) for all eFinancials and ePO reports and inquiries that include the prompt.

Update Quantities to the Jobs - Inventory

This policy is found here: eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups—Settings link


Job Cost Reporting and Job Cost Inquiry include shipped inventory amounts and, if the policy is set to include them, Inventory quantities in the costs. The policy, Update Quantities to the Jobs - Inventory only affects the quantity. The costs will always be included.

Not selected

The system does not allow Quantities for Inventory to be updated for Jobs.

See Also

Reporting Overview

General Ledger Overview