Job Costing Reports: Subtract Period (Question 11) - not used

Subtract period determines the period type of information to exclude from the report. Such adjustments are often needed for comparison or reconciliation purposes. The default for this question is None.

  1. From the Subtract Period drop-down list, select one of the following:
  2. Month
    Subtract amounts for current and future months from Job-to-Date. The result will be the costs at the beginning of the current accounting month. This option can be used to reconcile Job Cost amounts to General Ledger Work in Progress accounts (primarily used for Completed Contract accounting).
  3. Period
    Subtract current production period data, such as dollars, units, and hours from Job-to-Date amounts. The result will be the Job data as of the end of the last production period. Period amounts are not subtracted from Year-to-Date amounts.
  4. Future
    Subtract amounts for dates beyond the entered month and year from Job-to-Date dollars. In other words, enter the month and year to include costs through. The result will be the costs as of the end of the entered period.


If desired, you may enter a closed month and year. The software will display the following warning:

Selecting a closed period or year may produce incorrect results if detail information has been purged.

At this point you can close the message and enter a different month/year or select OK to proceed with the report.

  1. None
    Subtract nothing. The report will show total Job-to-Date billings, costs, quantities, and hours.
  2. If you choose an option other than None, you will be asked to select the Cost Type(s) to include in the report. All of the Cost Types are selected as the default. Deselect a Cost Type, by clicking on the check displayed in the check box next to the Cost Type. If you deselect a Cost Type, the check in the box next to the All option no longer displays.

The following is a list of the Cost Types that are available:

See Also

Reports Introduction

Job Cost Report Questions

Job Cost Report and Questions Matrix