Invoice List

This report provides information on invoices that have been created using purchase orders. The report runs for selected PropertiesCompanies. You can limit this report to a range of account dates, expense codes, or vendors. You can also limit this report by an invoice status. For printing, the report includes several sort options. The report prints in one of the two standard formats: PDF or Spreadsheet.

When the report displays, it includes information on the invoice date and due date, the invoice number, vendor ID and name, the invoice amount and status, and the voucher ID. A total amount line appears at the end of the report.

If you select the option Print Full Invoices, additional pages with more detail print. The header of these pages includes the vendor's name and address, the PropertyCompany name and address, the invoice number, date, due date, and invoice status, and the ID of the user who entered the invoice. In addition, the report lists one line for each invoice detail line that includes the PropertyCompany ID, purchase order number, expense code, vendor name, account description, and detail date and line item amount. An invoice total amount line appears at the end of the list of detail lines along with a signature and date line.


AP Reporting Overview