General Tab Recurring Invoices

Use this tab to add or edit general information for the recurring invoice.



An asterisk (red * ) indicates a required field or selection.

Recur Inv  # *

If adding, enter a recurring invoice number.

If editing, the display-only recurring invoice number.

Days Until Due

Enter the number of days in which the recurring invoice is due for payment.

Automatic discounted payments do not apply for recurring invoices. If payment of a recurring invoice meets the terms entered on the vendor General Tab, you must enter a line item for that discount on the recurring invoice Detail Tab to have the discount applied.

Amount *

Enter the total amount of the recurring invoice using the format 0000.00.

Status *

Select a status from the drop-down list. The following statuses are possible: Normal, Separate Check, Voided.

Description *

Enter a description for the recurring invoice; for example, Office Supplies.

Vendor Box

The selected vendor displays in the box.

Change Vendor Button

Use this button to select another vendor on the fly. When you select the button, the Select Vendor Tab displays. Use this tab to select (or add) another vendor.



Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.


Select this button to save changes.


Recurring Invoices Tab