Use this grid to add or manage zip codes in eFinancials
and ePO. Adding a zip code causes the system to automatically populate
associated fields (City, State, and Country) when the zip code is entered
in a Zip Code field.
The following fields appear on the tab:
Add Zip Code
Click to display the Add
Zip Codes tab to add a new zip code.
Type a zip code, or the first few numbers of a
zip code, and click Find. The items that are
the nearest match to your entry display in the grid.
Use the Page field and
to display additional pages when the list of entries in the grid is longer
than one page.
Zip Code
The zip code (for example: 94107) or the zip code
plus four (for example: 94107-8350).
The city where the zip code is located.
The state where the zip code is located.
The country where the zip code is located.
Click the Delete icon
to delete
the zip code.