Zip Codes Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Zip Codes

Use this grid to add or manage zip codes in eFinancials and ePO. Adding a zip code causes the system to automatically populate associated fields (City, State, and Country) when the zip code is entered in a Zip Code field.


The following fields appear on the tab:

Add Zip Code

Click to display the Add Zip Codes tab to add a new zip code.


Type a zip code, or the first few numbers of a zip code, and click Find. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid.


Use the Page field and the Go Button to display additional pages when the list of entries in the grid is longer than one page.

Zip Code

The zip code (for example: 94107) or the zip code plus four (for example: 94107-8350).


The city where the zip code is located.


The state where the zip code is located.


The country where the zip code is located.


Click the Delete icon to delete the zip code.

ClosedTo Add a Zip Code

  1. From the eFinancials or ePO menu, select Setup—Global Setup—Zip Codes. The Zip Codes Tab displays.
  2. Click Add Zip Code. The Add Zip Codes Tab displays.
  3. In the Zip Code field, type the Zip Code.
  4. In the City field, type the City where the zip code is located.
  5. In the State field, type the State where the zip code is located.
  6. In the Country field, type the Country where the zip code is located.
  7. Click Save. The Zip Codes Tab displays again. If necessary, use the Find field to search for the new zip code in the grid.

ClosedTo Edit a Zip Code

  1. From the eFinancials or ePO menu, select Setup—Global Setup—Zip Codes. The Zip Codes Tab displays.
  2. In the grid, click the zip code you want to edit. The Add Zip Codes Tab displays.
  3. Modify the zip codes fields, as needed.


The zip code number is not editable. If a zip code number was entered incorrectly, click Cancel to return to the Zip Code Tab, delete the zip code and add it correctly.

  1. Click Save. The Zip Codes Tab displays again.

ClosedTo Delete a Zip Code

  1. From the eFinancials or ePO menu, select Setup—Global Setup—Zip Codes. The Zip Codes Tab displays.
  2. In the grid, click the Delete icon for the zip code you want to delete. The Delete Zip Code tab displays.
  3. Click Confirm Delete. The Zip Codes Tab displays again.

See Also

Setup Introduction

Setup Questions - Zip Codes