Test Email Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Test Email

Use this tab to test the purchase order approval email notification process. The test validates the email address format and confirms that email is being received by an approver.

Test Email

  1. At From Email Address, enter the email address of the sender using a standard email format. For example, UserName@company.com.
  2. At To Email Address, enter the email address of the receiver (user with approval authority) using a standard email format.
  3. At Test Number, enter a test number. The test number appears in the test results message and differentiates one test from another.
  4. Select the Send Test Email button. A message advising you that the email was sent displays.
  5. Select OK to acknowledge the message.

Follow Up

  1. Contact the owners of the email address.
  2. Confirm that they each received a confirmation email as a result of the test.


Financials Setup Introduction

ePO Introduction