Series of Reports Tab - Inventory

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

Inventory—Reports—Series of Reports

Use this tab to execute the printing of a series of reports.


To print reports in a series (group) instead of individually, using the Setup Series tab you can create a "series of reports" by setting up a Series ID for any group of reports you want to print together. You can also add, view, edit, or delete a series of reports using the Setup Series tab. Setting up reports to print in this way is optional.

ClosedTo Print a Series of Reports

  1. From the Series of Reports tab, click the Series IDLookup icon. The Select Series Tab displays.
  2. From the gird, click the Series ID for which you want to print reports.
  3. Click Execute. The tab for the first report in the series displays.
  4. Complete fields on the tab, as applicable. Refer to the Reports Introduction for links to instructions for each of the reports.
  5. Click Print. The tab for the next report in the series displays.
  6. Repeat the two previous steps until you have finished making selections for all reports in the series.
  7. The first page of the first report displays on-screen in PDF format, or you are prompted to open it or save it as an Excel file. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options.
  8. Use the PDF or Excel print capabilities to print the reports.

See Also

Series of Reports Associated Pages

Inventory Overview

Reports Introduction