Vendor Merge Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—Vendor Merge or
ePO—Setup—Vendor Merge

The Vendor Merge Tab can serve two functions:


From Vendor

(When Merging Vendors) The vendor to be merged with the Into vendor.

(When Renumbering Vendors) The vendor to be renumbered.

Into Vendor

(When Merging Vendors) The vendor that the From vendor is being merged into.

(When Renumbering Vendors) The entry field that the new unique vendor ID is typed into.  


Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Vendor Tab.


Click the Delete icon to delete a Vendor Merge or Vendor Renumber.


Click to close the form without saving.


Click to validate the data prior to processing.


Click to creates the Vendor Cross-Reference List in PDF format.


Click to save the data and run the merge/renumber process. A message box displays to confirm the processing request.

ClosedTo Merge Vendors

  1. In the From Vendor entry field, type or Lookup the Vendor ID that is to be merged with the Into Vendor.
  2. In the Into Vendor entry field, type or Lookup the Vendor ID that the From vendor data will be merged into.
  3. Click Save to validate the data.
  4. Click Print. The Vendor Cross-Reference report displays.
  5. Ensure the data on the Vendor Cross-Reference report was entered correctly, then return to the Vendor Merge form.
  6. Click Process. The data is saved and merged.


When merging vendors:

The system updates existing invoices from the From Vendor with the Vendor Mailing Address or Main Address from the Into Vendor if no mailing address exists.

A From Vendor that is not set up as “Address on Invoice Required” cannot be merged with an Into Vendor that is set up to require the address.

ClosedTo Renumber Vendors

  1. In the From Vendor entry field, type or Lookup the Vendor ID that is to be renumbered.
  2. In the Into Vendor entry field, type the new unique vendor ID.
  3. Click Save to validate the data.
  4. Click Print. The Vendor Cross-Reference report displays.
  5. Ensure the data on the Vendor Cross-Reference report was entered correctly, then return to the Vendor Merge form.
  6. Click Process. The data is saved and the vendor is renumbered.

See Also

Select Vendor Tab

Setup Vendors Tab