Clear Checks

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Clear Checks

Use Clear Checks to mark outstanding checks as cleared, but not yet reconciled, by the Bank Reconciliation process.

NOTE that items reconciled by the Bank Reconciliation process do not show in the Clear Checks grid, as they have been fully processed.

Clear Checks can be used for organizations that do not perform Bank Reconciliation but want to know if the checks have cleared the bank.

The process can be performed using two different methods:

Method 1 - Using the Grid

Fields List

ClosedGrid Fields

The following items appear in the grid.


Refer to the Filter Button topic to improve your search results.

You can also click the column heading for any column to sort the list, and an arrow appears next to the column label to indicate whether the list is sorted up or down.

Grid Header


The bank the check is drawn on. Click the lookup to select a bank from the Select Bank pop-up. The selected bank's name appears next to the field.


Select a button to define the checks to display in the grid.

Outstanding checks (default)

Select this button to display checks that have not cleared the bank on which they were drawn.

Cleared Checks

Select this button to display checks that have cleared the bank on which they were drawn.


Select this button to display both outstanding and cleared checks in the grid.

Select Checks to clear from file...  (button)

Use this button to upload a file of checks to process (Method 2).

Click the button to open the Checks to Clear from file pop-up form. Use the form to locate the file to upload and import.

Refer to Method 2 - Uploading a File for the import procedure and the Import File Format for more information.


Select items in the grid to process (Method 1).

Check #

The check number of the check to process.


The check amount of the check to process.


The status of the check of the check to process: Outstanding or Cleared.

Check Date

The check date of the check of the check to process.

Cleared Date

The date the check cleared the bank for Cleared checks. If the check is Outstanding, this field is blank.

Vendor ID

The identification for the Vendor that is the payee of the check.

Short Name

The Vendor short name for the vendor that is the payee of the check.

check boxes (unlabeled)

Check the boxes to select checks individually for processing.

Or, select the "check all" check box at the top of the column to process all checks that appear in the grid.

Refer to Procedures in this topic for more information.

NOTE: The reason you would select the "check all" check box at the top of the column is to toggle all the check boxes to the opposite state (all Outstanding become Cleared and all Cleared become Outstanding).

The system shows the message Select Yes to Continue along with a count of the items to be processed. The message that appears is related to the number and status of the checks in the grid that you will be processing.

For example, the message could read:

Select Yes to Continue

checks to process with status of cleared: 5

checks to process with the status of outstanding: 3

Cancel / Yes

When you select Yes, the five Cleared checks would become Outstanding and the three Outstanding checks would become Cleared.

Refresh button

Click Refresh to refresh the list on demand.

When you check or uncheck a box, the system immediately updates that item. By clicking Refresh, you get a new list based on the criteria selected in the header (Cleared, Outstanding, or Both). For example:

If you want to clear some Outstanding checks, click the Outstanding Checks button in the header. Only checks with the status Outstanding appear in the grid.

Add check marks to the checks you want marked as Cleared, which immediately causes the status of the check to be updated to Cleared (the Cleared Date updates and any check that is checked has the Cleared status). The checks, which are now no longer Outstanding, still appear in the grid.

To refresh the grid so that only checks that are currently Outstanding appear, click Refresh.


ClosedTo Process Checks in the Grid

NOTES: With this method, use grid filter buttons to show Outstanding checks, Cleared checks, or Both, and then the select checks to process.

Use Method 2 if you want to upload a file of checks to process instead.


  1. Click Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Clear Checks. The Clear Checks grid appears.
  2. Click the lookup and select the Bank that the checks you want to work with are drawn on.
  3. Select an option to populate the grid with the checks you want to work with: Outstanding checks only, Cleared checks only, or Both outstanding and cleared checks.
  4. Use Filter buttons to filter the grid so that you see only the checks you want to work with.
  5. Click the "check all" check box to select/deselect all the checks in the grid for processing. Or, select individual checks for processing. Refer to the Fields list for help.

    that when you "check all," a confirmation message  (Cancel/Yes) appears. This is helpful because it indicates how many checks you are processing, as the grid may consist of more than one page, all of which will be affected. To complete processing, select Yes, and the Cleared Date column updates. Otherwise, select Cancel.

    that when you check/uncheck individual checks in the grid, "processing" occurs immediately upon checking or unchecking the check box, and you will see the Cleared Date update.


Method 2 - Uploading a File

Fields List

ClosedForm Fields List

This form is used to import a check file and process the checks in the file. To open this form, in the grid header select the button, Select Checks to clear from file...  

Refer to this procedure for details: To Import a Check File and Process Checks.


Choose File / Browse... (button)

Click the Choose File or Browse... button and the Open window appears so you can choose an ASCII file to import. Note that the label you see depends on the browser you are using.


Select from the drop-down the file format for your ASCII file. Refer to Import File Format in this topic for details on the valid file formats.


Select an option that tells the system what to during processing.

Upload and Import

When all other selections are complete, click on this button to upload and import the ASCII file.

File Format

ClosedImport File Format

Use one of these file formats to create an ASCII import file when you want to import check information to use in the Clear Check process. The format you use depends on the length of the check number.

Format 1 (6 character check number)

1-6: Right-justified check number with leading blanks (total 6 characters)

7-12: Date in YYMMDD format (total 6 characters)

13-24: Check amount with no decimal (total 12 characters)

Format 2 (10 character check number)

1-10: Right-justified check number with leading blanks (total 10 characters)

11-16: Date in YYMMDD format (total 6 characters)

17-28: Check amount with no decimal (total 12 characters)


ClosedTo Import a Check File and Process Checks

NOTE: This method involves uploading a file of checks to process. Use Method 1 if you want to process checks from the grid instead.

  1. Create an ASCII file to import. Refer to the Import File Format in this topic for help.
  2. Click Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Clear Checks. The Clear Checks grid appears.
  3. Click Select checks to clear from file.... A pop-up form appears.
  4. Instructions for importing a file are in the pop-up form that appears. Refer to Fields List, below, for details.

Additional Information

ClosedEffect of Permissions

User security permissions must be granted in the System module to access this menu item.

System—Security—Users—eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Clear Checks

See Also

Bank Reconciliation Overview


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