AP: Check Register

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—AP Reports—Check Register

Use this tab to print a check register. This report lists all checks printed in a check run. The report includes checks voided for alignment, insertion, restart, or multiple statements. All invoices paid with each check are listed.

You can limit the report results to a specified range of check numbers, check dates, and/or accounting periods. To do so, you must enter your ranges in the From and Thru fields on the selection criteria page. The ranges work together to filter the report to the records you want to view.

The following table shows how the system applies your specified ranges:

If you...


do not specify any ranges for check date, check number, and period,

the report includes all available records.

specify one range only (for either check date, check number, or period),

the report includes only the records for your selected range.

specify a combination of ranges (for check date, check number, and/or period),

the report includes any records that fall within your selected ranges. This may be a subset of data from the wider ranges.



For voids, the DOS version of this report showed a net zero amount. In this version, the Summary reports show both the regular entry and the void entry instead.

ClosedSelection Criteria


The fields vary, based on the selected Register Type. Refer to the field descriptions for details.

Register Type

Select a register type from the drop-down list. Options include By Check Run, By Bank, By Check, By Vendor, By PropertyCompany/Check, By PropertyCompany/Vendor, and By PropertyCompany/Expense Code. Your selection affects the fields that display on this tab.

Include All Banks for Selected Property(ies)Company(ies)

This check box is available only when the selected register type is By PropertyCompany/Check, By PropertyCompany/Vendor, or By PropertyCompany/Expense Code.

If this check box is selected — the Select PropertiesCompanies button is available and the report runs for all banks associated with the propertiescompanies you select.

If this check box is cleared — both the Select PropertiesCompanies and Select Banks buttons are available and the report runs only for the propertiescompanies and banks you select.

Select PropertiesCompanies

Click to select propertiescompanies from the Select PropertiesCompanies tab. The report runs for all selected propertiescompanies. This button appears only when the selected register type is By PropertyCompany/Check, By PropertyCompany/Vendor, or By PropertyCompany/Expense Code.

Select Banks

Click to select banks for which you want to run the report. This button appears when the selected register type is By Bank, By Check, or By Vendor. For register types By PropertyCompany/Check, By PropertyCompany/Vendor, or By PropertyCompany/Expense Code, this button appears only when the Include All Banks for Selected Property(ies)Company(ies) check box is not selected.

Report Type

Select the level of detail you want the report to include. This field displays for all register types. Options include:

Summary — Select this option if you want the report to show summary information only.

Detail — Select this option if you want the report to show detailed information for each reported transaction.

Totals Only — This field is available for the By Vendor register type only. Select this option if you want the report to show the total amount of payments for each vendor and include a total amount of all payments for the selected propertiescompanies.

Check Type

Select a check type from the drop-down list. This field is available for all register types. Options include: All, Computer Checks (C), Direct Deposit (D), Manual Checks (M), and Voids (V).

Check Number From/Thru

To run the report for a specific check number range, type a range for the check numbers you want to view on the report (for example, From: 0100 Thru: 0999). This entry works in conjunction with the ranges you specify for check dates and accounting period.


This field is available only if you have selected one of the following register types: By Bank, By Check, or By PropertyCompany/Check.

Check Date From/Thru

To run the report for a specific check date or check date range, type a beginning and ending date for the checks you want to view on the report. Or, use the Calendar Button to select dates. This entry works in conjunction with the ranges you specify for check numbers and accounting periods.

Prd/Fiscal Year From/Thru

To run the report for a specific accounting period range, type a period and fiscal year range for the checks you want to view on the report (for example, From: 1 / 2007 Thru: 4 / 2007). This entry works in conjunction with the ranges you specify for check numbers and check dates.

Sort By

This field is available for the Vendor and By PropertyCompany/Vendor register types only. Select your desired sort order for the report. Options are Vendor Name and Vendor ID.

Print Budgets

This field is available for the By PropertyCompany/Expense Code register type only. It is available only when the Prd/Fiscal Year From/To range is set to just one period (for example, From 11/2009 Thru 11/2009). Select this check box if you want the report to include the budget and variance from the amount paid for the expense codes listed.

Budget Source

This field is available only when Print Budgets is selected and the separate budgets global policy has also been selected. Use the drop-down box to select the budget source for the Check Register: Options include eFinancials and ePO.

Vendor Name/ID From/Thru

This field is available for the By Vendor and By PropertyCompany/Vendor register types only. Click the Lookup Button to display the Select Vendor Tab and select a starting and an ending Vendor Name or ID. Entries appearing on this list are established on the Vendors Tab in AP Setup.


The title of this field reflects the sort order selected in the Sort By field (Vendor Name or Vendor ID).

Expense Code From/Thru

This field is available for the By PropertyCompany/Expense Code register type only. Type the expense code range you want the report to include. Or, click the Lookup Buttons to select from a list of expense codes for the currently-selected propertycompany.

Check Run ID

Type the check run ID run for the report. Or, use the Lookup Button to select a check run from a list. This field is required for By Check Run ID and is optional for all other register types.

Standard Report/Alternate Report

Select to print either a Standard Report or an Alternate Report. These options appear when you select to print a Detail report and select by PropertyCompany/Check, by PropertyCompany/Expense Code, or by PropertyCompany/Expense Code with Budgets.

PDF Format

Select this option if you want the report to print in PDF format. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options. This field displays for all register types.

Create Spreadsheet

Select this option if you want the report to print in an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options. This field displays for all register types.


Click to stop without saving changes.


Click to print the report.

ClosedReport Descriptions - By Check Run

Check Register By Check Run

The report provides the following detail information for a particular check run. The report is sorted by vendor and then by check number.

ClosedReport Descriptions - By Bank

For the By Bank reports, Summary and Detail views are available.

Check Register Summary By Bank

For all selected banks, the report provides the following summary information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by bank, then by vendor, and then by check number.


A double-asterisk (**) next to a Check Number indicates that the preceding check number has been skipped in the sequence.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all banks on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Expense Code range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

Check Register Detail By Bank

For all selected banks, the report provides the following detail information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by bank, then by vendor, and then by check number.


A double-asterisk (**) next to a Check Number indicates that the preceding check number has been skipped in the sequence.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all banks on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Expense Code range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.


ClosedReport Descriptions - By Check

For the By Check reports, Summary and Detail views are available.

Check Register Summary By Check

For all selected banks, the report provides the following summary information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by vendor and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all checks on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Check # range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

Check Register Detail By Check

For all selected banks, the report provides the following detail information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by vendor and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all vendors on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Check # range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

ClosedReport Descriptions - By Vendor

For the By Vendor reports, Summary, Detail, and Totals Only views are available:

Check Register Summary By Vendor

For all selected banks, the report provides the following summary information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by vendor and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all checks on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Vendor range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

Check Register Detail By Vendor

For all selected banks, the report provides the following detail information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by vendor and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all vendors on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Vendor range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

Check Register By Vendor (Totals Only)

The report shows the following summary information for each vendor for all selected banks:

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all vendors on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Vendor range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

ClosedReport Descriptions - By PropertyCompany/Check

For the By PropertyCompany/Check reports, Summary and Detail views are available.

Check Register Summary By PropertyCompany/Check

For all selected propertiescompanies, the report provides the following summary information for each check. The report is sorted first by propertycompany, then by vendor, and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all propertiescompanies on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Check # range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

Check Register Detail By PropertyCompany/Check

For all selected propertiescompanies, the report provides the following detail information for each check. The report is sorted first by propertycompany, then by vendor, and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all vendors on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Check # range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.


The Detail report also has the option to be printed as a Standard Report or an Alternate Report.

ClosedReport Descriptions - By PropertyCompany/Vendor

For the By PropertyCompany/Vendor reports, Summary and Detail views are available:

Check Register Summary By PropertyCompany/Vendor

For all selected propertiescompanies, the report provides the following summary information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by propertycompany, then by vendor, and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all propertiescompanies on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Vendor range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

Check Register Detail By PropertyCompany/Vendor

For all selected propertiescompanies, the report provides the following detail information for each vendor. The report is sorted first by propertycompany, then by vendor, and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the Grand Total Payments for all propertiescompanies on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Vendor range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

ClosedReport Descriptions - By PropertyCompany/Expense Code

For the By PropertyCompany/Expense Code reports, Summary and Detail views are available:

Check Register Summary By PropertyCompany/Expense Code

For all selected propertiescompanies, the report provides the following summary information for each expense code. The report is sorted first by propertycompany, then by expense code, and then by check number.


If you selected the Print Budgets check box when running this report, a different set of fields appear on this report. Instead of the columns listed above, the report prints the following columns and total line:

In addition, the footer identifies the budget source selected (eFinancials or ePO) if the separate budgets global policy has been selected.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the GrandTotal Payments for all propertiescompanies on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Expense Code range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.

Check Register Detail By PropertyCompany/Expense Code

For all selected propertiescompanies, the report provides the following detail information for each expense code. The report is sorted first by propertycompany, then by expense code, and then by check number.

At the end of the report, a totals line shows the GrandTotal Payments for all propertiescompanies on the report. The Report Parameters section lists all of the report criteria selected for the report, including the Check Type, Check Run ID, Expense Code range, Date range, Prd/Yr range, and Banks.


The Detail report, printed by Expense Code and also by Expense Code with Budgets) also has the option to be printed as a Standard Report or an Alternate Report.

ClosedTo Print the Check Register Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—AP Reports—Check Register.
  2. From the Register Type drop-down list, select a register type.
  3. If you are running the report by propertycompany and want to run it for all banks associated with your selected propertiescompanies, be sure the Include All Banks for Selected Property(ies)Company(ies) check box is selected. Or, clear this check box if you want to select the banks for the report.  
  4. If you are running the report by propertycompany, click Select PropertiesCompanies. Select the propertiescompanies for which you want to print the report and click Save.
  5. If the Select Banks button is available, click Select Banks. Select the banks for which you want to print the report, and click Save.


The Select Banks button is available only if the register type is By Bank, By Check, or By Vendor; or when running the report by propertycompany with the Include All Banks for Selected Property(ies)Company(ies) check box is not selected.

  1. To print a summary report, select the Summary radio button. Or, to print a detailed report, select the Detail radio button. For By Vendor reports, you also have the option to print a Totals Only report.
  2. From the Check Type drop-down list, select a check type.
  3. To specify a check number range for the report, in the Check Number From and Thru fields, type the check number range for the report. (This field displays for the following register types only: By Bank, By Check, By PropertyCompany/Check).
  4. To specify a check date range for the report, in the Check Date From and Thru fields, type a date range for the report. Or, use the Calendar Button to select dates.
  5. To specify a period range for the report, in the Prd/Fiscal Year From and Thru fields, type a period and fiscal year range for the report.
  6. For By Vendor and By PropertyCompany/Vendor reports, the Sort By field is available. From the drop-down list, select your desired sort order for the report (Vendor Name or Vender ID).
  7. For By PropertyCompany Code reports, the Print Budgets check box is available. It is available only when the Prd/Fiscal Year range is set to just one period (for example, From 11/2009 Thru 11/2009). Select this check box if you want the report to include the budget and variance from the amount paid for the expense codes listed.
  8. From the Vendor Name/ID From and Thru fields, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Vendor Tab and select a Vendor Name or ID range for the report. (This field displays for the following register types only: By Vendor, By PropertyCompany/Vendor.)

    NOTE that the title of this field reflects the sort order selected in the Sort By field (Vendor Name or Vendor ID).
  1. From the Expense Code From and Thru fields, type the expense codes range for the report. Or, click the Lookup icon to select expense codes for the fields (These fields appear for the following register type only: By PropertyCompany/Expense).
  2. From the Bank field, if you selected banks on the Select Bank Accounts tab, the system selects those banks by default. You can select another bank or banks that the checks are to be drawn on. Or use the Select All link to select all banks.
  3. From the Check Run ID field, type the check run ID.
  4. If you selected to print a Detail report by PropertyCompany/Check, by Property Compan y/Expense Code, or by PropertyCompany/Expense Code with Budgets, select an option: Standard Report or Alternate Report.
  5. Select one of the following report printing options:
  6. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Reports Introduction

Alternate Report Format


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