CO: Batch Totals Report Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—Common Reports—Batch Totals

Use this tab to print an accounts payable Batch Totals report.

NOTE that this report is run from eFinancials and the report shows data from all modules that have the Batches menu item.

Summary Report

The Summary report provides, for each batch, Total from Batch, Total Entered, and difference, as well as the batch approval status and date. It also breaks out dollar amounts for each batch by invoices, checks, billings, receipts, journal entries, and inventory.   

Detail Report

The Detail report provides this same information broken out by transaction. In addition, the detail report includes transaction date, document source and number, vendor name (if appropriate), propertycompany ID, and Post To expense code for each transaction.

If you select to print the Detail report, an Additional sort becomes available, with these options:

Other ways to print the report

You can also print the detail version of this report from the Batches General Tab as either the Batch Proof Report or Batch Audit Report.

ClosedReport Description

Batch Information

The following batch information appears for each batch included on the report.


The Batch ID, the date it was opened, and the User Name of the person who opened the batch.


The approval status for the batch. If the status is Approved, this includes the approval date and the User Name of the person who approved it.

Detail Information

The following fields appear on the Batch Totals Detail report, the Batch Proof Report, and the Batch Audit Report reports only. This information is sorted by Document Type and ID or Data Entry Order based on your selection for Additional sort. These fields and sort options do not appear on the Batch Totals Summary report.


Identifies the document associated with the transaction. For example, PY-012345678 indicates a payment (PY) and the associated check number (0123456789).

Tran Date

The transaction date.

Acct Date

The accounting date for the transaction.


The period of the transaction.


The entitycompany associated with the journal entry.

Account No.

The account number associated with the credit or debit (for journal entries).


The propertycompany associated with the allocation for the invoice.

Expense Code

The Post To expense code of the allocation for the invoice.


The expense code Description.


The vendor or customer associated with allocation for the invoice.


The dollar amount of the void, if any.


The dollar amount of the debit, if any.


The dollar amount of the credit, if any.

Summary Information

The following summary information appears on the Batch Totals Summary, the Batch Totals Detail report, the Batch Proof Report, and the Batch Audit Report.

PropertyCompany Totals

The propertycompany totals for Billing, Void Billing, Receipt, Void Receipt, Invoice, Void Invoice, Payment, Void Payment, JE Debit, and JE Credit. This totals appear on the Batch Proof Report only, and only if you selected the Subtotal Batch Proof Report by PropertyCompany? check box on the Batches General Tab.

Batch Totals

The batch totals for Billing, Void Billing, Receipt, Void Receipt, Invoice, Void Invoice, Payment, Void Payment, JE Debit, and JE Credit.

Transaction Totals

The transaction totals for Billing, Void Billing, Receipt, Void Receipt, Invoice, Void Invoice, Payment, Void Payment, JE Debit, and JE Credit.


The difference between the batch and transaction totals for Billing, Void Billing, Receipt, Void Receipt, Invoice, Void Invoice, Payment, Void Payment, JE Debit, and JE Credit.

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—Common Reports—Batch Totals.
  2. From the From Batch and Thru Batch fields, enter a Batch ID range for the report.
  3. To print a summary report, select the Summary button. Or, to print a detailed report, select the Detail button.
  4. Only if you selected the Detail report type, you may select Additional sort option(s):
    Document Type and ID
    Data Entry Order
    Subtotal Batch Proof Report by Company
    Include Job Information -
    The option appears only when at least one entitycompany is set to track jobs, and is unrelated to the permissions of user or entitycompany access.
  5. To print the report for unapproved batches only, select the Unapproved Batches Only check box.
  6. To subtotal the report by PropertyCompany, check the Subtotal by PropertyCompany box. Otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
  7. Select one of the following report printing options:
  8. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Batch Proof Report

Batch Audit Report


Reports Introduction - eFinancials only

Batches Overview - All modules

Batches Grid/Tabs - All modules