eFinancials to eSite Update of GL Account and Company/Entity ID


When a GL Account Number for a specific /Entity/ Company is renumbered in eFinancials, any GL Account Number with the same values, for the same Company/Entity ID in eSite, are automatically renumbered as well.

Similarly, if any Company/Entity ID is renumbered in eFinancials, any Company/Entity ID in eSite with the same values will be automatically renumbered.

eFinancials and eSite must be in the same dataset on the same server for the updates to process. Previously, the user had to manually update the fields in eSite.

Example: Entity A, GL Account 1030 is assigned to a bank book in eSite. If the account is edited in eFinancials and the number is changed to 1031, the bank book’s GL Account in eSite will be automatically changed to 1031 as well.

Example: Entity PRM001, (Company if Simplified Setup), is the Entity ID setup for a set of income code GL Accounts. If the Entity is edited in eFinancials and the ID is changed to ABC, the Entity on the income code GL Accounts in eSite will be automatically changed to ABC as well.

The following areas in eSite are automatically renumbered:

Bank Books: G/L Accounts, Company/Entity (Setup – Global – Bank Books)

Property Loss to Lease: GL Accounts, Company/Entity (Setup – Property – Properties)

Income Codes: GL Accounts, Company/Entity (Setup – Property – Income Codes)

Rentable Items: GL Accounts, Company/Entity (Setup – Global – Rentable Items)

Management Fees: GL Accounts, Company/Entity (Setup – Property – Additional – Management Fees)

Expense Table Expense Accounts: GL Accounts, Company/Entity (Commercial property only) (Setup – Rebillings – Recoveries – Expense Tables)


See Also

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Effect of Global Policies - Other Tab