Select the Add Year button. The periods tab displays.
Fiscal Year, select a fiscal year from the drop-down list.
At Number
of Periods, enter the number of periods in the fiscal year. The
default is 12. Use caution when selecting the number of periods for a
fiscal year. After you leave the periods page, the system prevents you
from changing the number of periods for the fiscal year. Other numbers
of periods are also supported. Refer to Fiscal
Years Overview for more information.
Select the Create Default Periods button. The system creates
a period for each of the number of periods you entered.
At Begin
Date, the system defaults to the current system date if you accepted
12 periods. Accept the default date or enter another date using the format
mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button
to select a date.
At End
Date, the system defaults to the last day of the month for each
period if you accepted 12 periods. Accept the dates or enter other dates
using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button
to select dates.
When you are
finished adjusting dates, select the Save button.
The setup tab displays again.