Work Area

The work area is below the Menu bar. The work area consists of a combination of the following elements, depending on your last selection:

Dashboard, Tabs, Snap-ins, and Add Snap-in Link

When you first log into the AMSI Evolution Suite, the Dashboard appears in the work area. A Dashboard consists of one or more tabs (default tab is the Today tab); snap-ins (if any are set up) appear on the tabs. The Add Snap-in link appears at the top right of the work area.

Application tabs display at the top of the page and are not considered part of the Dashboard. When you first log into the AMSI Evolution Suite, the Home (global) Dashboard appears; click on an application tab and then the Dashboard for that application displays.  Refer to Application Page and Footer Links, below, for more information.

Snap-ins are like small pages—tools that assist you in preparing for your day or doing work. Snap-ins are added using the Add Snap-in link, located at the upper-right of the Dashboard. Snap-ins are either global or application-specific. Click Home to see global snap-ins; click an application name to see application-specific snap-ins. Currently there are no snap-ins for Decision, eDex, or System.

To organize your snap-ins, you can create up to seven tabs. Click on an existing tab, type a tab name into the field that appears, and press Enter. Your administrator may have set up tabs and snap-ins for your Dashboard. Refer to the System help for more information.

Scroll Bars

Scroll bars on the Dashboard allow you to scroll vertically or horizontally.

To scroll vertically:

To scroll horizontally:


If you hover the mouse over a snap-in with enough data, you can use the mouse wheel to scroll the snap-in up or down.

Application Page and Footer Links

When you select an application from the Menu bar, new menu items appear, along with the Task bar, tabs, and application-specific snap-ins.

Drill down by clicking on menu items, and a page associated with your selection replaces the Dashboard in the work area. The Menu bar and Task bar remain. If you set up any “quick launch” icons for the Task bar, these appear as well. In addition, when certain pages are loaded, navigation links appear to the far left in the space under the Task bar, just above the application page.

In addition, one or more links appear in the footer, depending on application. Click on a link to open a page to make changes to, as applicable. *


The currently-selected entitycompany. Click the lookup link to select a new entitycompany.


The currently-selected property. Click the lookup link to select a new property that will be used throughout the system.


The currently-selected batch. Click the lookup link to select a new batch.

    Click on footer links to make changes to Login Date, Property, Entity/Company, and/or Batch, as applicable.

See Also

About the Work Environment

Title Bar

Menu Bar

Task Bar

eFinancials Introduction

eFinancials Snap-ins

Using Snap-ins


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